How To Block Loan Lending App’s Access To Phone Contacts
So, we’ve heard and seen a lot of people complaining about Loan Lending App Accessing Your Phone Contacts, which has resulted in Image Tarnishing. Well, don’t worry, because we recently found a video online that has been helpful to several of our users, so read on and let me share with you.
This is done to avoid sending unnecessary frivolous, image-tarnishing messages to clients’ contacts after they default, which the Federal Government of Nigeria has explicitly warned against.
How to Prevent the Loan Lending App from Accessing Your Contacts on Your Phone
CLICK HERE to see a video tutorial on FACEBOOK.
Disclaimer: Don’t take out a loan you can’t afford to repay, and this tutorial isn’t intended to teach you how to scam a bank lending app.
This information was first published on DMCA PROTECTED.
Source: Nyscinfo