How To Revalidate NYIF Loan Application

How to Revalidate NYIF loan

Are you an applicant of the Nigeria Youth Investment Fund (NYIF) loan? If ‘yes’, the management of NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) has asked non shortlisted applicants to revalidate their loan application for easy access to the new approved N12.5 billion budgeted for the programme. This post will guide you on how to revalidate your NYIF loan application.

How to Revalidate NYIF loan application

Kindly follow the steps below to a successful revalidation of NYIF loan;

1) Visit NYIF loan portal at

2) Fill the NYIF loan revalidation form with your details: Name, Email and BVN.

3) Go to your email, to receive a congratulatory message, after that you are to wait patiently for further instructions from management.


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