How To Start Blogging Business In Nigeria (Step-by-step)

Are you looking for a way to make genuine money online? Do you have an interest in starting a blogging business? If your answer is ‘yes’, then you are on the right page. In this piece, we will show you steps-by-step guide on how to start a profitable blog in Nigeria.

A blog is the short form of weblog. It is an informational website hosted on the World Wide Web (WWW), where posts are published. The most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.

Starting a blogging business in Nigeria may just be your best way to financial freedom. One good thing about a blogging business is that you don’t need huge capital to start. You may even start with no capital if you choose to create free blog, as there are platforms to host your blog for free.

What Is Blogging?

Blogging simply refers to writing posts and other media to publish on a weblog. This provides the opportunity for individuals to write and publish posts on a website.

Many entrepreneurs saw a blog as having business potential, and making money blogging started from there. A blog can be used for marketing and also for a business in itself.

How to start a blogging business in Nigeria

Follow the steps below:

1. Create a blog

Making money from a blog starts from creating a blog. Although, this step depends on which blogging platform you want to set up your blog on. There are both free and paid host blogs (free host blogs have limited functionalities while paid ones are unlimited). So, you can choose between free and paid host blogs. If you choose a free host blog, check out how to create a blog for free. But if you choose a paid host blog, you need to know how to install WordPress on your web hosting services. If you need our help to set up a blog, Contact Us.

2. Publish Posts

After creating a blog, next is to start writing and publishing articles on your blog. If you are really serious about making money from your blog, you need to create original and quality posts/articles, not copy & paste work.

Creating a well-designed blog and writing great contents are just the starting point. In order to get traffic to your blog, you need to spend time promoting your contents.

3. Monetize your blog

Once you have completely set up your blog, and begin to get decent traffic or followers, next is to monetize your blog and start earning money. There are many ways to monetize your blog. Below are the most popular:

  • Google AdSense

AdSense is a revenue-sharing platform for publishers in the Google’s network. When you sign up, AdSense would start placing advertisements (ads) belonging to different companies on your blog. And you get paid (about 64% of revenue generated from the ads displayed on your blog). The more people that visit your blog and view the ads, the more money you make.

  • Affiliate Marketing

When you recommend a product or service to the people that visit your blog using special tracking link (referral), you will get a commission for every time someone buys the product through your referral link.

  • Sponsored post

When you have decent traffic on your blog, individuals and companies will ask to pay to sponsor a post on your blog. The amount the pay depends on whatever agreement you reached with them.


Blogging business requires one to be patient as it takes time to build decent traffic. Therefore, with hard work, perseverance, and consistency, anyone can earn money from a blog.

This post was first published on

Source: nyscinfo

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