Template on how to write a proposal for NYSC personal CDS project

This article will show you how to write a proposal for NYSC personal CDS project.

The Community Development Service (CDS) is one of the four (4) Cardinal Programmes of National Youth Service Corps (CDS).

CDS allows Corps members to contribute positively in the development of their host communities.

It’s worthy to note that NYSC has been contributing to the social, political and economic welfare of our nation since its inception in 1973.

Two types of CDS project

  1. Personal CDS project,
  2. Group CDS project.

We shall be looking at how to write personal CDS proposal to carry out a CDS project.

When you identify any community need and want to embark on it as a CDS project, you will need to write to NYSC.

How to write NYSC project proposal for personal CDS

Below is how to write proposal for personal CDS Project;

  1. Project Title: You need to write an appropriate title for your CDS project. See list of personal CDS project .
  2. Statement of problem: Explain the problem you’ve identified that your personal CDS project would solve.
  3. Duration: State the time it would take to complete your proposed project.
  4. Budget: State the estimated amount of money required to cover the cost of your personal CDS project.
  5. Source of fund: Tell NYSC how you intend to raise the needed fund to cover the cost of your project.

Tip: You must not use your money for the project. The money should be raised from stakeholders in your host community.

How to raise fund and materials for personal CDS project

Funding of CDS project is a shared responsibility of the Community, Government and stakeholders who are beneficiaries of such projects.

On no account should Corps members use their personal money to fund their projects. Doing so would nullify the authenticity of the project.

Funds for project execution should be sourced through the following:

  • Corporate organizations
  • Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
  • Philanthropists
  • Government Agencies
  • Public spirited individuals in the community
  • Political office holders

There should be a comprehensive analysis of income and expenditure of funds and materials received with receipt attached for the purpose of accountability.

Mobilization of resources should not be done alone but together with community members and other relevant stakeholders.

A sample letter of NYSC personal CDS project

Isikwuato High School,
Abia State
11th February, 2020.

The State Coordinator,
NYSC Secretariat,
Abia state.
Zonal Inspector,
NYSC Zonal Office,
Ohafia, Abia.
Local Government Inspector,
NYSC Local Government Office,
The Principal,
Isikwuato High School,
Abia State

Dear Sir,

I wish to apply to carry out the following CDS projects at the central prison yard, Abia State.

1. Provision of some basic drugs for the use of the prison inmates.

2. Provision of weighing scale and sphygmomanometer for the clinic.

3. Provision of hospital bed sheets and curtains for the clinic.

4. Painting of the prison yard clinic and entrance gate.

I hope my application would be kindly considered for your approval.

Yours faithfully,

Your name
(state code): your phone number

NOTE: this sample is for Abia State NYSC. It may not be the same for other states.

If NYSC approve your personal CDS project proposal, you will receive approval letter as shown below๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡

How to write NYSC project proposal for personal CDS

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3 thoughts on “Template on how to write a proposal for NYSC personal CDS project”

  1. Pls I need a coach. Am about to start a project at my Ppa. It my first time of doing this kind of a project.

  2. u said of stating the duration, estimated amount and source of fund, but they are not stated in the sample letter above. pls needs more clearification on that. thanks

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