How To Write Recommendation Letter ( See Sample)

Your ability to obtain a solid letter of recommendation can boost your chances of being considered for the job you applied for. A recommendation letter is a letter that confirms your job, abilities, or academic credentials. You may, on the other hand, be asked to write a letter of recommendation for someone else. Let’s look at how to draft a letter of recommendation and look at some examples.

Before delving into the specifics of what a letter of recommendation should look like, you need first understand what it is.

What Is a Recommendation Letter?

It is a formal document that discusses a person’s suitability for a certain role.

How to Write a Recommendation Letter

A real letter of recommendation is a personal account of your experiences with the individuals you are promoting. You should be aware of how the individual behaves and performs at work. Consider whether you can vouch for someone before agreeing to write a letter of recommendation for them. Examine your knowledge of the person and the level to which you know the person you are recommending. If you are unsure about the individual for whom you are writing a recommendation letter, it is best to gently decline the request. Follow our suggestions below to gain a better grasp of how to write an excellent letter of recommendation.

Be Positive: State firmly that you believe the candidate is a strong candidate for the job. Any comments that may imply differently should be avoided. Try to use words that will leave an impression on the reader.

Be Formal: Your recommendation letter should follow a standard business letter structure. Your tone should be formal as well. If possible, write the letter on your company’s letterhead.

Highlight the most important qualification of the candidate: Talk about two or three of the candidate’s most relevant achievements as they relate to the job description, and provide specific examples to demonstrate their suitability for the role.

Proofread: Pay particular attention to how people’s and businesses’ names are spelled. You should read the letter aloud to avoid certain types of errors. This may assist you in determining whether there are any grammatical or spelling errors. You could also ask a trustworthy friend or colleague to assist you in reading the letter.

Format Of Recommendation Letter

A typical recommendation letter should include the following:

  • A brief introduction stating your name and relationship to the applicant
  • A summary of the applicant’s strengths as you have observed them
  • An elaboration on one to two traits the applicant possesses.
  • A conclusion that explains why the person you’re recommending is a good fit for the position.
  • A signature with your name and contact information.

Letter Of Recommendation Sample

Below is an example of a recommendation letter:

To Whom It May Concern:

It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Emmanuel Ahmed for a position as a Data Analyst for Humfree Group.

I am Stephen Adoga, a regional manager at Rooflines Nigeria. I have 15 years of experience working as an accountant and have seen many young professionals come and go. Emmanuel Ahmed is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands out.

During our time together, Ahmed displayed great talents in technical applications, such as ArcGIS, R coding, Python, and several other data visualization tools. When we first met, I was immediately impressed with Christiana and her technical skills on day one, but when we worked together, her understanding of data analysis and the tools of the trade grew far more than that of her peers.

My first experience with Ahmed’s adaptability came shortly after he was hired. Last year, we had one client who sent data in Excel that needed extensive cleanup. At that time, Emmanuel Ahmed’s experience with Excel was limited, but he worked extra hours to learn how to clean up Excel data using functions properly. Within the week, the client’s data was formatted correctly to be effectively analyzed and visualized. He even handled the data visualization skillfully, and the client had nothing but praise for the result.

It’s not just his technical skills that impress me, however. Ahmed was a joy to work with because of his amazingly positive attitude and eagerness to stick tightly to deadlines. His can-do attitude and team-building skills were also necessary and valued not just by myself but by his peers, who often relied on him to get the job done.

I am confident Ahmed would be a great fit for Humfree Group. He will bring the skills and experiences you’re looking for in an applicant and quickly become an asset and help Humfree Group grow in any way she can.

If you need more information please do not hesitate to contact me at (insert phone number) or by email at As a recommendation letter likely only provides a snapshot of his talents and achievements, I would be happy to elaborate further on my time working with him.


Stephen Adoga

Regional Manager

Rooflines Nigeria

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