How to write request letter asking NYSC to pay your allowance

how to write request letter for NYSC allowance

Here you will learn how to write request letter asking NYSC to pay your allowance

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) usually give leverage to Corps members in the form of allowances. The NYSC allowance covers Corps members’ feeding, clothing, transportation and others.

how to write request letter for NYSC allowance

Usually, it is distributed through the regular payroll but while in Orientation camp, it’s paid in cash.

In spite of doing your monthly clearance and fulfilling other necessary obligations, NYSC may forget or fails to pay the allowance. If such occur, you can write a letter requesting the release of your allowance.

In this article, we will show you ready-made template and samples with tips to help you write a request letter for NYSC allowance.

Request letter for NYSC allowance writing tips

  • First and foremost, you should be sincere enough to request your allowance from National Youth Service Corps.
  • The tone of the letter should be formal.
  • The letter should be addressed to the NYSC Director General.
  • Once you are through writing the letter, please recheck the same for making amendments, if needed.

Request letter for NYSC allowance template

Below how to write request letter asking NYSC to pay your allowance;

[Your PPA Address]

Godship High School, Isikwuato L.G.A, Abia State.

15 February, 2020.


No. XXX, area.



Abia State NYSC Coordinator


Dear Sir,

Request letter for NYSC allowance

I want to bring to your kind notice that I have not received my Federal Government allowance till now. I’m serving in Abia State with State Code: AB/20A/33. It has happened to me for the first time. I have complained to my Local Government Inspector (LGI), but till now, my allowance has not been credited into my bank account. The total amount needs to be credited N33,000 for the month of February, 2020.

I would request you to please look into the matter and get the needful done at the earliest.

Your promptness in this regard will be highly appreciated.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

Humphery Eze