The Lagos State Residents Registration Agency (LASRRA) is a body created to register all residents of Lagos State for efficient planning and allocation of the state resources. The agency is under the Ministry of Science and Technology, of Lagos State. Here we shall look at the LASRRA online registration portal, requirements, and why is is important.
The body which came into existence in the year 2011, is assigned with the duty of registering all resident of Lagos State and keeping the record. The registration activity is done not minding the resident’s State of origin, tribe, sex, religion, age, nationality, etc.
Meaning as long as you live in Lagos State, your details is expected to be captured by LASRRA officials.
Whenever someone is being registered by the agency, that person’s information automatically gets to their database which provides the State government with all necessary details about such person(s), and how to assist registered persons living in the State.
All registered residents of the State automatically have their names, and other informations in the LASRRA register, also known as ”Residents’ Register”.
This register is used to ascertain the population of the State, work force, best means of allocating available resources of the State, and also the best action to take in governmental plans.
LASRRA Registration Requirements
All that is needed by the agency to effect one’s registration, and give the person(s) a Resident Card are;
- House rent receipt or Utility bill, that will give clearer information about where you live in the State.
- Birth certificate.
- A business ID Card having details of the employer.
- International Passport (if the person travels).
- National ID card.
- Driver’s License.
- School ID card.
- Valid Voter’s Card.
- Receipt showing prove of Tax payment, or Tax card.
These documents will help confirm the resident’s address in the State, as well as his/her needed information.
Note: All submitted documents must be valid, as at the time of registration.
The Permanent Resident Card (PRC)
After completion of the registration process, a special smart card PRC is given to the individual. This card has a unique number that can be used to carryout dealings with the State Government, and its related bodies.
At first, registered residents are being given the temporary PRC, awaiting when the permanent one will be available for collection.
Eligibility for LASRRA
As long as you have lived in Lagos State for more than three (3) months, you are eligible to register.
How to register with LASRRA
There two ways by which an individual who lives in Lagos can register with LASRRA. The options are;
A. In a Designated Office: The agency has registration points (Station), where the registration process can be done by its agents. After which the person(s), will go back there to collect his/her PRC.
B. Online Platform: The registration process can be done at LASRRA Online Registration Portal (PRE-enrollment). When done with the online registration, you will be required to visit an enrollment station for other basic steps like biometric capture, etc.
Thereafter, a location where the PRC can be collected will be sent via SMS to every registered individual. To start online pre-enrollment, visit https://registration.lagosresidents.gov.ng/register
Note: In a situation whereby registered individual changes his or her residential address, the person ought to get the agency know about the change to enable make corrections.