We’ve learned that the Nexit program’s administration published a link for the Agricultural Activities Survey for Nexit Applicants 2023. Therefore, we made the decision to post the survey link here for your participation.
The National Home Grown School Feeding Programme (NHGSFP) sent a text message with a link to the survey form that was sent to Nexit Applicants who completed their Nexit Training in 2022. The text message said as follows:
Attention: Participants in the NEXIT Training who are leaving NPOWER-NAGRO may complete the voluntary survey through the link that is attached here: https://forms.gle/6eUHxk52Ag5DBm8P9
Please, click on the link above to fill the form if you’re interested in participating in the survey.
Use the phone number you use for the Nexit application while filling out the form; otherwise, the form might not recognize the number.
The Federal Government and CBN have launched the Nexit Scheme to provide former Npower recipients with options that will enable them to become independent and productive after the program has ended.
If you’re unsure what the National Home Grown School Feeding Program (NHGSFP) is, it is one of the four social investment initiatives (NSIPs) of the President Buhari Administration, along with Npower, GEEP, and CCT.