It’s a good news! Just as we promised, our Christmas Mega giveaway starts today (22nd December). NYSCinfo will be giving out Two hundred thousand Naira (N200,000) to lucky winners.
Today’s Giveaway (22nd December)
Answer this question and win;
Do you think National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) should be scrapped? Briefly give reason for your answer.
Note: The best comments that will attract the highest number of ‘likes’ win ₦1,000 on 22nd December, 2020.
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As a member of this group and by the virtue of the powers vested in me,According to section 3 subsection 5 of Article A subsection 2 Chapter 7a paragraph 9 of social media Act 2019,read together with constitutional amendment 2020,section 6 of paragraph 8, I hereby have the right to say NYSC should not be scrapped because it has played a pivotal role in unity, patriotism, obedience, character, Perseverance etc amongst different ethnic groups in the country. Nonetheless, 5star camp is the best NYSC came in Nigeria
No..I do not think it should be scraped my reasons being that the aim of nysc is to serve our land and it not only does that, it also helps us and people like me that do not move around to learn about others culture and ways of life. Another reason I’d that the allawee being paid help some to save up something for the future either to invest or start a business.I know it still has it’s disadvantages but I think the advantage outweighs the disadvantages.
It’s should be scrapped because they money they give during service is not enough for man to survive and even save something, rather they should give every graduate that amount at once and he can’t state any business before any job come his way ,you can’t just be staying at home waiting for government job ,that what is killing this nation,pls they government should take note of this the graduate need little grade to start something in life.
The schemes remains the foundation and foundness found amidst graduates in Nigeria, it is the greatest force of social, moral, religious and economic integration in the country and should be kept

No it shouldn’t. As discouraging as serving Nigeria sounds, it gives an opportunity to learn how to adapt to new situations, enables one learn new cultures and make new friends and connections that might lead to employment, and most importantly, the allowance provided is a stepping stone to save for a business if you are the prudent type. At least something automatically immediately after school.
No, nysc should not be scrapped. Reason being that, nysc has done a lot in uniting the three tribes we have in Nigeria. When people from another tribe goes to another tribe to service, they will be enough reason for two different tribes to do things like one. With that, they will become friends, from friends to family.
Imagine, being friends for a whole one year, you will see not reason to talk bad about your friend from another tribe.
They said charity begins at home. As you are friend that to that one person, when you meet another person from that same tribe, you will still extend same love and kind. Reason being that your friend treated you well, and you now found out that what people say about that tribe is not really what it is.
Secondly, nysc has made some many people to learn one skill or the other during service year.
Thirdly, it has been a back bone of some of our youth, with the token federal Government gives. Which is the allowance.
Finally, nysc gives our youths some reasonable and positive exposure to our built environment.
To me, Nysc shouldn’t be scrapped but should be reformed. The scheme has being of great opportunity to many who saw the usefulness of NYSC. Personally the experience is a lifetime one that I can never forget. More opportunities should be added to the program,aside the saed program organize during camp activities, more preference should be given to those that really wish to go deeper in establishing themselves as everyone cannot be employed. Also Nysc should ensure members are posted to organizations related to there course of study as not the usual schools that 95% of corp members are always posted to. Nysc shouldn’t be scrapped in any way but to be properly reformed. Thank you
NYSC shouldn’t be scrap out while because NYSC program really have helped so many youths through the SAED program, through the program the so many youths have learnt different skills which sustains them today.
Secondly the stipend paid to Corps members have helped many to establish medium and small scale business.
NYSC program also foster unity and peace, it helps to pull youths to other tribes.
My answer is “NO” it shouldn’t be scrapped. The national youth service corps (Nysc) has help a lot of youths in the society. Looking at some of the objectives of the programme, To develop common ties among the Nigerian youths and promote national unity and integration. Since it encourage coming together of all ethnic groups in Nigerian to be ‘one’ (united) in the camp and outside the camp and even after the programme. And it also helps in skills development hence reducing the rate of unemployment.
NYSC scheme is to be protected and preserved since it’s purpose and objective was the promotion of national unity among Nigerians. And the scheme was set up to achieve a target of fostering unity among the ethic tribes in Nigeria. A part from all this NYSC can be a means of a better future. The community development projects.NYSC provide the opportunity for young citizens to experience the rural life, culture and even the primitiveness of fellow country men who are like the corps member I can only say that our problem is NIGERIA itself not NYSC. Because anything that can be put in place to unite the people of a nation should not or never be scraped. NYSC is very important to Nigeria at this point
Yes I think it should be scrapped because it really delaying us,many opportunity have passed us bye just for the fact that we are waiting to go for service and get the nysc certificate without which one can’t really get a job considering the situation of the country.
NO, The NYSC should not be scrap, Nysc has made youths including me to accept other tribes, it has foster unity in the country. Now am Happily and comfortably living outside my fatherland. With the help of SAED, Youths are learning new skills in other to be self dependent and employer of labour. I wonder if many youth will ever leave there state and if tribes will ever accept each other without NYSC.
When the purpose of a program is defeated, the program becomes a failure and calls for termination. I take is that NYSC should be scraped because the motto of NYSC which days ‘service and Humility’ is no more in place because there are bunch of lazy and proud youths who cannot work at there PPA and still very disrespectful. What about the issue of ghost Corpers? Those who relocate back to their states for easy service? What about those who disrespect their host community?
I go for the scrapping of NYSC.
The answer is No.
This is because the Nysc is fulfilling it’s mandate and nothing should hamper it’s operation; if anything, it must be guarded jealousy.
The scheme was set up to achieve a target of fostering unity amongst youths and the ethnic tribes in Nigeria, which it has been performaning to a large extent.
I will not in anyway support it’s scraping because aside that of unity, it has also helps the youths to visit other parts of the country.
NYSC should not be scrapped,because of its substantial importance which includes; it offers a fascinating experience after graduation whereby graduates gets to know new places outside their usual environment,its serves as a unification avenue for Nigeria which encourage peaceful co-habitation amongst Nigerians thereby fostering national peace, it open youths to a life changing opportunities resulting in to youth rehabilitation and empowerment thereby minimizing the problem of unemployment.etc
Nysc shouldn’t be scrapped because it’s an avenue for unitism, peace and progress of our country. In the sense that our different tribes and cultures are being familiarized among the youths of the nation.
Yes, NYSC should be scrap. My reasons are as follows. 1. Federal government should scrap nysc and accumlate all the allowances that are expected to be giving to the youth corpers during there service time, to be giving to them in completion of there school program to establish business and therefore to be self reliance and employ other umemoloy yoth in there nation too or around them. 2. Using 2020 in specific if we take a look at the years of program in nigeria educational system is very discouraging, a program of 4years has become 5years etc and for me instead of wasting another additional 1year for youth services and at the end of the time the government will still consider the age of an individual before give them job, nysc should be scrap. Those are my reasons.
No i dont think nysc should be, bcoz it enlight people more to know what is happening in other state moreover it gives more knowledge, experience and opportunitties to people and the allowee also go a long way in some peoples life.
It shouldn’t be scrapped. I used to be of the opinion that Nysc should be scrapped because many pcms and corp members have lost their lives to road accidents, kidnapping,armed robbery etc in the name of going to camp or serve not until I went to orientation camp sagamu ogun state few weeks ago,there and there I saw unity like never before, different tribes, religion and background all came together to form platoons and formed a kinda bond,my bunkmates all from different states were all amazing to be with,it was really an experience,the way we bonded,looked after each other, stood by each other and supported each other was really amazing and mind blowing,for the first time in my life i experienced such unity all thanks to Nysc scheme. Long live Nysc scheme,long live gateway camp sagamu ogun state aka 5star camp.
Why on Earth would one just woke one morning and start think of scheme that’s uniting the young Nigerians, the scheme that made you explore other zone of your country Nysc made me know how to make shoes through one of their program (S.A.E.D) if this kind of a tangible scheme has been scrapped how will the likes of me knows how to make shoes
In my opinion, I don’t think nysc should be scrapped because its like a little foundation for graduates to be placed on a steady allowance for 12 consecutive months without having to depend on parents and guardians. This helps in financial independence. Through saed trainings, many graduates learn one or two skills they can use to start a business or as a side hustle. Through nysc people get to move from the location they are familiar with to another location and yet survive and conquer all odds. Most corp members end up settling in their state of deployment and starting up their businesses or doing their dream jobs. The connection, the feeling of been away from home(dependence), the friends, the new culture and so many other things to learn. Some even find their life partners through this. Rather than scrap nysc, the scheme should be reformed and some outdated laws rebranded to suit our growing generation. Thank you
Thanks to the admins of this great page, u guys are really doing a great work, Many of us has benefited from here in one way or the other .

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Nysc shouldn’t be scrapped because it help to know more abt others tribe and to mingle with different people