Mega Christmas Giveaway (Best Liked Comment Wins)

It’s a good news! Just as we promised, our Christmas Mega giveaway starts today (22nd December). NYSCinfo will be giving out Two hundred thousand Naira (N200,000) to lucky winners.

Today’s Giveaway (22nd December)

Answer this question and win;

Do you think National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) should be scrapped? Briefly give reason for your answer.

Note: The best comments that will attract the highest number of ‘likes’ win ₦1,000 on 22nd December, 2020.


1. Drop your comment in the comment section on this page and wait for people to like it.

2. You must comment with your Real Name as it appears on your Bank account.

3. You must ‘Like’ and ‘Follow’ NYSC Information page on Facebook.

4. The winner will be announced at 10:00pm tonight.

4. Do not reply to anyone’s comment, drop yours freshly else your entry won’t be considered.

5. DO NOT write your Phone number or Bank details in your comment (it attracts instant disqualification)

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  1. Nysc should be scrap because it serve as a waisting of time for the Nigerian graduate

  2. So far so good the nysc has been a program that has served great purpose in teaching the Nigerian youths on how to be self dependant and encourages them to aquire skills for self employment and the nysc also help develop common ties among the Nigerian youths and promote national and so cial unity. So It will not be good for such program to be scrapped, thank you

    • Nysc should not be scrapped because Nysc is a scheme established in 1973 by the then Head of state, Gen.Yakubu Gowon (rtd) after the civil war in 1968 to reconstruct, reconcile,rebuild and to unite Nigerians.
      Nysc has helped so many youths in building a solid foundation of their future, it has helped in breeding entrepreneurship spirit in our youths through SAED program,it has helped youths in moving from there various locations to other parts of the country and in discovering opportunities at the process..
      Nysc should be protected and preserved since it objective was the promotion of national unity which was fulfilling.
      Nysc should not be abolished but government should look at it’s chanllenges in order to put it right.

  3. Good evening sir, NYSC should not be scrapped, because of the following reasons of mine,1: it promote national unity, through it the youth are being exposed to other cultures and tradion, interstate marriage is also promoted through it, through NYSC I was able to manage a class room,& now I can teach well, please my opinion is that NYSC should continue, thank you.

  4. NYSC shouldn’t be scrab because it help others to learn different culture and way of life it also prepare one ahead challenges.

  5. NYSC should not be scrapped because among many things that is wrong with Nigeria.
    NYSC is the one good thing happening right no. Graduates are finding it hard to get jobs right now and NYSC offers graduate jobs.
    Although most schools are taking corp memorial granted, but if you’re smart enough,hard working and with lots of good luck and God’s mercy NYSC can be a means to a better future for you. I’m not saying that everything is perfect about the NYSCscheme, but trust me when I say Nigerian youth would suffer more without it. NYSC is a life saver please

  6. NYSC should not be scrapped. It has a lot of benefits, it’s a scheme where a lot of hidden skills are developed. It facilitate and widens one’s view of life!

  7. NYSC shouldn’t be scrap because it inculcate the spirit of selflessness commitment to a community and bring one closer to each other’s as a brother, no matter your tribe or religion.

  8. In my own perspective, Nysc should not be scrapped because it gives room for unity among the youths and also helps the youths to earn money and start up their own business without waiting for the white kola job. It also helps to know other people’s culture. So I love to serve my father land.

  9. No,because nysc is a stepping stone to any civic job.not only that,it also an opportunity for young graduate to achieve their aims.for instance, i finished my nysc 2018, am I could used the money Isaved to lease a cocoa farm.this means that in one way or the other,have used nysc to achieve my plan

  10. The National Youth Service Corps was founded to ceil the rift of the Nigerian Civil War between 1967–1970 in which it was recorded that millions of people lost their lives. It was initiated to foster unity among Nigerians and to promote service to the nation. The conception and founding of the corps was purely on unity.

    But, after existing for more than forty years, some stakeholders have begin to call for the scrapping of the scheme. The government on the other side of the divide has refused to these discordant and variant calls for the following reasons ;

    Credible Elections – The members of the scheme are seen as largely impartial, intellectually equipped to consolidate and extend the Nigerian democratic frontiers with little or no training which they have done credibly well since 2011.
    Change Agents – Corps members are purveyor belt for development, behavioral change and nation – building. They can be found in the 774 Local Government Areas of Nigeria where they are serving the nation in all the sectors of the economy. They drive the economy through their unquantifiable contributions to the small and medium scale enterprises while the larger market is not left aside.
    Education – Apart from election duties, the corps members help in the administration of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Exam, where they see to the successful conducts of examinations. They have also augmented the dwindling number of teachers nationwide where the profession is seen as not lucrative. This is aside the health sector, where the consultants are being harvested by foreign countries where they are paid heavily. Corps members are standing in the gap.
    Reduction of Unemployment – While in service, the government pay corps members a paltry sum of 20,000 monthly as stipend. This is aside the money being paid to some by the organization they work for. Though, this money is small in comparison to the service they are expected to render as graduates, it goes a long way to keep youths from societal vices by keeping them busy hence, the government spends less on security unlike when such doesn’t exist, the government will have to spend three times the money they are spending now on NYSC to combat crime. As the Nigerian population is growing outrageously geometrical daily, the NYSC smothers the harm that usually befall a population that’s not planned for by giving the Nigerian youths a respite and nurse them to discover themselves on time before they could think of going criminal.
    Exposure- Graduates posted to the States of the Federation are exposed to the diversities and cultural differences strappings that uphold the nation which promotes unity and a whole lot more.

  11. NYSC should not be scrapped. It should be sustained because I believe every young Nigerian need to experience as I did that Nigeria people are wonderful and accommodating to other tribes even when our local vicinity taught us otherwise. Personally, even as an Igbo Christian, I’ve met amazing Hausa Moslem who are my friends now without any rancur so far and I have no fear of going to the north. Without NYSC, this wouldn’t have been possible.
    Finally, it gives most Nigerian youths their first Job experience and train them to answer and report to an authority. This prepares them for the larger labour market.

  12. Yes! the scheme shouldn’t be scrapped because, the purpose of the scheme is primarily to inculcate in Nigeria youths the spirit of selfless services to the community, and to emphasize the spirit of oneness and brotherhood of all Nigerians, irrespective of culture and social background. Which has been helping the Nigeria youth in nysc program in general.

  13. Insecurity: With rising insecurity in various parts of the country. Boko Haram activities in the northern Nigeria (especially in the Northeast), rising cases of ritual killings in the Southwest and kidnapping cases in the south. South and southeast of the country.NYSC programme is no longer a safe practice considering the fact that innocent, naive youth graduates are deployed to communities and regions they know nothing about, which increases the chances of them being hurt for the one (1) year period of NYSC.

  14. If it is scrabbed, there will b no cause for alarm..
    What is the essence of serving the country under a false sensation.. Right from childhood,we have been serving her.
    After graduation, live the life that you have always wanted, not the country that will always use and dump ypu..Lets call a spade a spade..
    “Die home is better than die outside”

  15. Nysc shouldn’t be scrapped because its help people in starting business and its help to relate with different tribe.

  16. In my own view NYSC should not be scrapped with the reasons below
    1. It creates room for skill acquisition(SAED) which I am a living witness we all know that there is no employment in this country but with the help of the skills acquired one can start up something and not depends on government for jobs
    2. It creates room for oneness by coming together of people from different tribes
    3. The experience people get in their various place of primary assignment which helps in preparing them for future reference
    4. It also creates room for marital settlement

  17. The genuine intention of NYSC is very great and commendable. Although, the abnormalities in this country have never allowed the scheme to exhibit properly.if should be reviewed and not scrapped. God bless you all

  18. God bless the admin of this wonderful group. I love you. Keep up the good works and remain blessed.

  19. NYSC info help alot I always follow their news and information been given because it’s direct from NYSC and I will give advice to continue with the true news and information to prompt it to the best and number one news broadcaster

  20. I Oladele Oladimeji Sheriff from my own perspective nysc cannot be scrapped because it develop in Nigeria youths the attitudes of mind, acquired through shared experience and suitable training, which will make them amenable to mobilisation in the national interest.

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