Nigeria gets N21b grant from European Union to fight coronavirus

The European Union has given Nigeria a grant of €50 million (N21b) to fight the coronavirus disease.

This was disclosed through Twitter by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina.

He said: “EU gives Nigeria a grant of 50 million Euro to fight Covid-19. Head of EU delegation, Amb Ketil Karlsen, at the event commended President Buhari for “your powerful address to the nation last night,” and for “the bold and necessary measures you’ve taken.”

While reacting to the grant from the EU, Buhari said that the donation would go a long way in supporting Nigeria’s efforts at controlling and containing the virus to prevent community spread.

Buhari said: “The money will also assist our efforts to revitalise the national health care systems.

‘‘Our thoughts and prayers are with the families, friends and communities impacted. We are confident from history that the resilience of Europe and our global collective will enable us to emerge stronger from this tragedy.

‘‘Although the EU is facing significant challenges due to this pandemic, I am indeed touched and grateful that the European Union still had the vision and foresight to remember its friends, partners and allies across the world.”

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