Nigerian Institute of Medical Research Grantsmanship & Mentorship Training Program 2022

The Nigerian Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) will host its biannual Grantsmanship and Mentorship Training Programme, in partnership with the NIMR Foundation, with the goal of creating a sufficient and long-lasting network of dedicated early career researchers with an inter-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaborative approach, as well as expertise in developing high quality, competitive grant writing and capacity for healthcare research and development in Nigeria.

What the programme will cover

  • Understanding of health services research methods
  • Formulation of research questions and hypotheses
  • Selection of appropriate statistical tools for data analysis
  • Ethics and Ethics Permission in Research
  • How to search and identify targeted funding agencies and understand funders’ requirements
  • Writing compelling grant proposals
  • Identification of the technicalities of the peer review process and demonstration using a practice peer review process
  • Improving proficiency in training and communication skills including writing plain language summaries
  • Training on proficiency in facilitation of micro-teaching session on mentorship.
  • Principles of establishing and managing partnerships and collaborations.

Eligibility Requirements

To be qualified, you must offer proof:

  • You are a Nigerian citizen (from any of the six-geopolitical zones).
  • If you are a junior or mid-level researcher who is just starting out in their career and have finished one of the research education programs listed below:
  • You have recently—typically within the last six years—received a research doctorate (PhD, DPhil, or MD) from an accredited academic institution.
  • You have a master’s degree in research-related fields and a medical or clinical degree that were both typically acquired within the last six years.
  • You are currently working for a reputable university or research organization in Nigeria, developing and carrying out any kind of medical study.
  • You have limited or no experience in proposal development and grant-writing.
  • You have not won any significant local or international research grants.
  • Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply for this training opportunity.


The NIMR Foundation will fully fund the 21-day residential training course, including travel, lodging, and full board.

Additional Information

The Nigeria Institute of Medical Research, which is located at 6 Edmund Crescent in Yaba, Lagos, will host this 21-day residential training. The training is scheduled to take place between October 9 and October 30, 2022.

Curriculum: The National Grantsmanship and Mentorship Training Programme Curriculum created by the Nigerian Institute of Medical Research for the sessions will serve as the workshop’s guide. The chosen candidates will receive instruction in preparing winning grant proposals during a 21-day period through hands-on practical sessions. In-person didactic lectures, role-plays, group discussions, micro-teaching sessions, online learning/webinars, peer-review simulation sessions, individual study time, homework, and term papers will all be used as part of the blended learning methodology used in the teaching sessions. There will be teaching sessions in the morning, practical sessions in the afternoon, and group work and networking activities in the late afternoon/early evening of each training day.

Target market: Early- and mid-career researchers who want to enhance their capacity for grantwriting and mentoring are the target audience for the course.

Participant number: A total of 30 people will be chosen to participate in the program.

Documents Required for Application

Application should include the following documents combined as a single .pdf file:

  • A two-page bio-sketch (NIH format) with a maximum of 5 publications.
  • A one-page research concept note (Times New Roman, Size 12, Spacing 1.15).
  • Motivation letter of not more than 500 words (Times New Roman, Size 12, Spacing 1.15).
  • A Letter of recommendation/Support from Dean/Provost of the Faculty/College indicating
  • Endorsement to attend the workshop
  • How the training will benefit the researcher/investigator
  • Commitment that applicant will be available for the 21 days without break
  • Assistance in assisting the applicant to discontinue training at his or her institution after finishing the training session.
  • Prior to the program starting, successful applicants will need to show proof that they completed the Ethics Course (CITI).

How to Apply

Please follow these steps to apply to the grantsmanship and mentorship program:

  • Complete and submit the online application at
  • Provide the required documents including a single PDF file containing the following:
  • Short motivation essay of not more than 500 words
  • One page research proposal
  • Short bio sketch (maximum 2 pages)
  • A letter of recommendation/support from the Provost/Dean of college/Faculty

Click Here to Apply

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Source: Nyscinfo

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