NPC Ad hoc Recruitment Training To Hold On …

We wish to inform all the applicants of the National Population Commission (NPC) for ad hoc staff recruitment that the training will hold as follows.

1) A refresher training for the SWF is being proposed for 27th -29th March 2023. Details of the program will be communicated to the state when approved.

2) LGA level training is scheduled to hold from 31st March to 6th April 2023.

3) Please, recall that, for the State level training, we have both State training coordinators and State field coordinators, as separate individuals, however, these two roles will now be played by one person, and the training coordinator will translate to become LG Field Coordinator during the fieldwork. The Comptrollers remain as such and not a field coordinator.

4) In view of this, recommendations earlier made for each state will now be reviewed to ensure that all persons recommended are able to function in the two roles effectively.

Also, the nominations can now include technical officers with managerial skills, who were earlier reserved for the role of the LG field coordinator.

5) For the review, State Training Coordinators are expected to work with the State Directors on the lists and the outcome submitted on or before March 18th 2023.

6) Please note also that the list should be endorsed by the respective HFCs

7) Again, the list of facilitators as trained in each state will be forwarded to the state for posting to the LGAs, the State Training Coordinators that handled their training are to work with the State Directors to carry out the postings while ensuring a good match of facilitators and balanced distribution across the LGAs.

8) Any inconvenience is highly regretted.

Thank you

Olanipekun Evelyn Arinola (Mrs) Director, National Population Commission

6 thoughts on “NPC Ad hoc Recruitment Training To Hold On …”

  1. Goodmorning can it be possible to atend the treaning in another state if the treaning has commence you we’re not in your state of origin were you have applied for due to an emergency

    1. Mustapha Mustapha

      Good afternoon then what is the stand of the person that applied for the field Coordinator,as it will merge to one role?answer py, thanks

      1. Oluwaseyi seun

        I thought they said they have changed the date again, that no more on march 31 that it has been prosponed till April 25 or so, please NPC should clarify on actual date so for proper arrangements.

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