NYSC Query Letter – How to Answer or Reply NYSC Queries

Many Corps members do not know how to reply NYSC query letter. If you’re among these Corps members, we are here to show you how to go about it.

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) as a scheme is governed by a set of rules called bye law. If you break any of the governing rules, you are likely to be queried by your boss.

What is NYSC Query Lettter?

NYSC query letter is a letter from your boss asking you to express yourself why you take certain action that goes against the NYSC bye law.

Query comes in form of questions which you have to answer. It’s from your answers that your boss will decide the next line of action (to punish or spare you).

However, a query letter served to a Corps member is not a disengagement letter, rather it is an opportunity for you to explain why you took certain actions.

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So, certain acts such as; insubordination, lateness to work, negligence of duty, absenteeism, misconduct, and so on can lead to issuance of queries.

For whatever reason you are given a query during your service year, don’t panic. What you need to do is to calm yourself and follow the format below to reply the query.

Who can serves an NYSC Query Letter?

Having known what could lead to issuance of query, as a Corps member, your LGI, Zonal Inspector or State Coordinator are authorized to give you a query if you go against the NYSC bye law. Your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) can recommend you to be served the NYSC query letter. Also, as a staff in your PPA, they can also directly serve you a query according to the organization’s rules.

However, NYSC query can come in (Local, Zonal, State or National) level depending on the gravity of the offence committed. You can pick your query at the office of your Local Government Inspector (LGI).

Note: Your PPA can give you query, but their query is not the same as NYSC query. Unlike NYSC query, your PPA query cannot stop your NYSC monthly allowance or cause extension of service year. Nevertheless, your PPA can recommend you for NYSC query.

Kindly note that NYSC query does not mean automatic extension of service year or forfeiture of your monthly allowance, although that is what it’s pointing at.

Query is just an opportunity to defend yourself or face disciplinary action.

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How to answer NYSC query letter

Please, do not try to lie in your response letter, acknowledge that you committed the offence but explain why it was so. You just need to select nice words to make it sweet and convincing.

Now, let’s assume you were absent from work place, unfortunately NYSC Inspectors came and issued you a query.

NYSC Query Letter

See answer below;


Sir, I refer to the query directed to me on the 11th July 2017 on the above subject matter.

My absence which is unusual was due to the fact that I have been sick and was admitted to University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) with my sister taking care of me in the hospital.

Sir, it is because of the above reason that I have been absent from work all these while. I called my PPA boss to report and explain that I was admitted in a hospital. Everything happened so fast but now I have been discharged from the hospital and have resumed work. I promise to always be punctual.


Yours faithfully,



2 thoughts on “NYSC Query Letter – How to Answer or Reply NYSC Queries”

  1. Please this is urgent, when my school want issue my ND certificate for me they write my name as mudasiru rasaki olanrewaju but when they want to give me HND statement of result they write mudasiru rasaki olarewaju moreover am using mudasiru rasaki olarewaju right from the beginning of my secondary school which I even use it for my registration in nysc portal, my question is this hope no problem when I get to camp or I should do affidavit before I left home

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