Dr Betta Edu, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, has revealed the day on which Npower beneficiaries’ payments will resume. Payment to Npower beneficiaries would begin in January 2024, according to her.
This information was provided by the Minister in her most recent interview, during which she discussed difficulties concerning the Npower initiative. Prior to this update, she explained why N-Power batch C beneficiaries’ stipends had not been paid.
According to the Minister, the records of the enrolled Npower recipients are being reviewed because the number of persons enlisted is higher than projected. As a result, comprehensive verification is being carried out to remove disqualified recipients from the system before payment begins in January 2024.
Dr. Betta Edu indicated that the verification and cleaning of unqualified Npower beneficiaries will continue till December 2023.
Recall that the Npower program’s new management is reorganizing the program and changing the name from Npower to Hope Skills Acquisition Programme.
New participants will be enrolled in the new Npower program, now known as the Hope Skills Acquisition Program, by January 2024. However, as stated by the Minister, backlog payments for verified exiting Npower batch C2 beneficiaries will be made.