Polytechnic Students Ask FG To Remove HND/BSc dichotomy

The National Association of Polytechnic Students (NAPOS) has urged the Federal Government to as a matter of urgency remove dichotomy between HND and BSc.

The NAPOS President, Mr Sunday Asuku, at a news conference in Abuja on Monday, said the association had waited patiently for the past 14 years for the office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF) to implement the white paper but to no avail.

According to him, the abolition of the dichotomy was approved by the Federal Executive Council in 2006 under former President Obasanjo and reaffirmed by all his successors.

The NAPOS president said that the delay in implementing the white paper was a deliberate attempt to continue to hold the technological advancement of the country to ransom.

“We are yet to see reasons and justification against why OHCSF is reluctant to approve the NATE/COREN proposed career progression template.

“However, we give the OHSCF a 21-day ultimatum to issue implementation circular to the federal government white paper as approved by FEC in 2006.

“Which, among others, directed that the undue dichotomy and ceiling on grade level/rank attainable by HND holders should be removed,’’ he said.

Asuku also demanded that the proposed career progression cadre for Technologist Engineers submitted by COREN for approval and integration into the civil service scheme be approved by the OHCSF.

This, according to him, should be in line with the civil service rules to empower professional bodies to recommend career progression structure for their members.

He added that HND holders who were due for promotion should be allowed to take part in the promotion examinations for vacant positions in their respective professional cadre.

Asuku said that all HND holders who were previously denied promotion, or stagnated for several years, and those who were demoted upon conversion to officer cadre among others should be included.

4 thoughts on “Polytechnic Students Ask FG To Remove HND/BSc dichotomy”

  1. It’s so unique to achieve such a long awaiting efforts because it had been and haven’t seen any different in between, HND holder should be honored with B.Eng or Bsc for those in management department, polytechnic are body of Science, Engineering and Technology. Thanks


    Its good, polytechnic students should be the same with university because poly students are even more intelligent, brilliant and experience than universities holders

  3. Mohammed Mustapha

    We are support bsc and hnd been come together all for graduals so what is the difference in between them u doing nysc together

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