Top 10 Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria

Universities in Nigeria do offer invariable number of courses. You will discover this when you explore the JAMB brochure. In this article, we shall look at the top 10 most marketable courses in Nigeria.

Top 20 Best Courses To Study In Nigerian Universities

Some courses are highly marketable than the others. This means that not all courses have the same earning power.

It is necessary you search out the marketability of any course before enlisting to study the course. Through this article you will get to know the ten (10) most marketable courses in Nigeria.

It is of utmost importance that any student intending to enroll into university should consider the marketability of a course before choosing to venture into it at any Nigerian university.

The marketability of a course is defined as the proximity of getting employed quickly and easily based on the very course of study at the University.

It is greatly dependent on the availability of jobs in that field or relative ones. It is not also all about getting just a job but getting a job that pays you really good.

Therefore, see to it that you discover the career opportunities available that will help you make something good out of the degree upon graduation. Check out: List of Best Courses for Quick Employment in Nigeria.

10 Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria

Below are the top 10 most marketable courses in Nigeria;

1. Medicine & Surgery

Medicine is the most popular course in Nigeria. Almost every guardian or parent wants one if not all their wards to be a medical doctor.

Over a long time now, medicine has maintained the top position as the most marketable course to study in Nigeria. This can be attributed to the fact that graduated of medicine are not always much in the job market, perhaps unarguable the least graduating in terms of number of persons per year or session.

Therefore as a student of medicine completes his studies, he is able to get a job as a medical doctor with much ease than any other course of study.

Also, medical doctors are amongst the highest paid employees or civil servants amongst university graduates in Nigeria. With all these facts, you see why many Nigerian parents desire their wards to study medicine by all regards. Also check out: top 5 best courses to study in Nigerian University .

2. Estate Management

Nigeria is developing daily and you may not be unaware of the infrastructures, and other several urban developmental projects going on at the same time.

This means good news for business in the real estate world. Also As the population of Nigeria leaps upward, there will be more of this project I like housing, land sales to meet up with the housing demand and this is where the job of Estate managers come in.

They are required to oversee the management of these buildings and lands. Being an Estate manager, you can be at the service a government housing, and development agencies or other private housing companies. You can also establish your own private housing and estate management company.

3. Accounting

Accounting is one of the courses you can study in Nigeria and be confident of getting a good job. Accountants are on high demand in every sector or company in Nigeria, even in the government because sector deals with finances.

Sectors, where Accountants can function, include government agencies, companies, banks, schools, airports, hotels etc. In the Accounting profession, there are quite a number of professional courses and certifications such as ICAN that makes one’s accounting degree even more marketable.

4. Chemical and Petroleum Engineeringing

Force of the Nigerian economy today. There is no surprise that it is one of the most marketable courses in Nigeria. Chemical and petroleum companies are being established in the country yearly and graduates in this field are employed regularly. This sector has huge competition but the pay is relatively rewarding once you get in. Also check out: Top 10 Best Engineering Courses to Study In Nigeria .

5. Theatre Arts

This is a course that received little attention but not anymore. There is a quantum leap in the Nigerian entertainment sector, therefore Theatre Arts has become one of the most marketable courses in Nigeria.

The best of Nigerian universities where you can study this course are the University of Lagos, the University of Port Harcourt, and the University of Calabar.

6. Рharmacy

Similar to Medicine, Pharmacy is another very marketable course in Nigeria. It is a very competitive course; this means it requires a high JAMB and UTME scores to get admission into any Nigerian university to study this course.

Pharmacists are trained to dispense drugs, study how drugs work, and its metabolism with the body. A graduate of pharmacy can be employed in any pharmaceutical company, hospital, or medical facility. Such a person can also work for government organizations such as NAFDAC or establish their own pharmaceutical firm.

7. Computer Engineering and Information Technology

We now live in a digital world. Hence graduates of courses such as information technology, computer science and engineering are on high demand in the labor market. These courses are also wise to study for the future in my opinion.

8. Nursing and Laboratory Sciences

Nursing is also one of the highly marketable courses to study in Nigeria. Studying this course, you have limitless job opportunities both in the country and overseas.

The medical sector is always ready to assimilate all the help it can get. Therefore, you can get a job easily in Nigeria. Although a fresh graduate might not earn so much but you can also boost your career by doing professional courses in other sub-fields of nursing

9. Marketing

Marketing is one of the most demanded course of study or job roles in the Nigerian labor market today. The services of marketers for businesses to grow and thrive in the midst of the tight competition are very much vital.

Marketing requires professional training and expertise; business firms will pay heavily to have a someone with a marketing degree.

10. Mass Communication

A Mass Communication graduate can work in any media outlet such as a radio or TV station. Such a person can also work with a newspaper company or other government agencies where the services of a mass communicator are needed for speech writings etc. A mass communicator can also choose to be a freelance writer or journalist and be self-employed.

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