10 High Paying Skills To Acquire In Nigeria

According to a dictionary, skills are talent or expertise that enable a person to do a job or complete a task very well. A white collar job is hard to get in Nigeria, therefore, it is necessary for every graduate to acquire at least one skill in a particular field. In this article, we shall discuss top 10 skills to learn in Nigeria as a graduate.

If you are a graduate or about to complete your studies, ensure that you acquire one or more of the skills listed here.

For those who have completed their National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) programme. They can acquire skills that will sustain them during difficult times because job hunting could be an uphill task for fresh graduates in Nigeria.

Note: Don’t just learn skills, but learn one that can sustain you even when you don’t have a job. In my own case, I learnt web designing and digital marketing skills, and that has been sustaining me since after NYSC.

Skills will either give you advantage over fellow job seekers or place you in a better position in life.

10 high paying skills to learn in Nigeria

Below is the list of top 10 skills you should learn as a graduate;

1. Fashion Designing

This is one of the most popular selling skills in Nigeria. Everyone needs clothing, and the fashion industry works every day without a season of dryness. There are always ceremonies, such as wedding, burial, birthday, Christmas, etc. So, people either buy or sow to celebrate on these days.

2. Hair dressing and barbing

People always have haircut or plait hair to look good. It is not by choice but an obligation. Therefore, having this skill will always fetch you money.

3. Photography

People always take pictures to keep memory of events such as ceremonies, matriculation, wedding, birthday, etc. Photographers attend all of these events either invited or not. This makes photographic skill a hot cake in Nigeria.

4. Web design

This is a very lucrative business in Nigeria. There are many businesses that need website to showcase their services/products. With a skill in web designing, you are a hot cake in Nigeria.

5. Graphic Design

The service of graphic designers is needed on a daily basis by novelist, writers, bloggers, companies, etc. All the adverts banners you see on the internet are the work of graphic designers.

6. Baking

This is a good opportunity to sharpen your culinary skills. This involves learning how to bake cake, chin-chin, meat-pie, fish-roll, and so on.

7. Writing

This is a wonderful skill that sells in Nigeria like crazy. As a writer, you can create a blog and be open to the opportunity of making money. You can also write for different websites as a freelancer. I know many organizations that need good writers for serious business.

8. Phone repairs

Do you know how many people that own phones in Nigeria? If you learn this skill, you will be sure to make money repairing those phones.

9. Shoe making

As long as people wear shoes, this skill will remain a hot cake in Nigeria.

10. Driving

Many job opportunities will pass you by if you don’t know how to drive. Please, acquire this skill, it is very important.

Use the comment section below to tell us which skills you think are the best in Nigeria.

25 thoughts on “10 High Paying Skills To Acquire In Nigeria”

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