UNESCO Young Professionals Programme 2022 (Apply Here)

The UNESCO Young Professionals Programme is a recruitment strategy aimed at improving regional representation and promoting gender equity in the Organization on a global scale. This program allows talented, highly qualified university graduates and young professionals from under-represented and non-represented Member States to join UNESCO at an early point in their professional careers.

Who Is Eligible for the Program?

  • Nationality: Applicants should be citizens of UNESCO Member States that are underrepresented or not represented at all.
  • Age: Under 32 years old (inclusive).
  • An advanced university degree in education, culture, science, social and human sciences, or communication, or in an area connected to international organization management and administration is required. This will be stated in the job advertisement.
  • Fluency in English or French is required. It is advantageous to be fluent in both working languages. The ability to communicate in Spanish, Russian, Arabic, or Chinese is a plus.
  • Previous professional experience is an advantage, but it is not required.

The Selection Process and Timeline

Please contact your National Commission or Permanent Delegation if you want to apply for the Young Professional Program or find out if you are eligible.


UNESCO recruits up to 20 Young Professionals every biennium, taking into account the availability of P-1/P-2 level positions. Each program’s premiere date varies from year to year.

UNESCO’s Bureau of Human Resources Management issues a call for applications to non- or under-represented Member States’ National Commissions and Permanent Delegations. Each National Commission is in charge of disseminating this material and conducting national pre-selection.


Candidates submit their applications to their home country’s National Commission or Permanent Delegation. All applications are reviewed by National Commissions and Permanent Delegations, which then submit a list of candidates to UNESCO’s Bureau of Human Resources Management.

UNESCO does not accept submissions sent to the organization directly.


A committee will analyze all applications and create a shortlist based on their merits.

  • Academic qualifications;
  • Motivation/statement of interest;
  • Presentation of the application;
  •  Language and writing skills;
  •  Level of professional experience.

Interviews and assessment

Candidates who have been shortlisted will be required to participate in a video interview followed by a panel interview. Candidates can demonstrate their communication skills, team spirit, analytical skills, sense of initiative, creativity, flexibility, and adaptability throughout the interviews.

Tests may be necessary in addition to interviews to determine related competencies as well as competency in UNESCO’s working languages (English and French).


Successful candidates will receive a letter of appointment from UNESCO. In the other situation, UNESCO will notify the National Commissions and Permanent Delegations that are interested.

How to Apply

Click Here to apply if you are interested and qualified.

Source: Nyscinfo

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