Are you are content creator, do you want to display your content creation ability before the world and win big, are you between the ages of 15-22? If your answer to the above questions is yes, then we have a very exciting news for you on this information platform.
If you are reading this article, you are reading about how to apply for UNICEF Youth Mediathon 2021 Young Content Creators Program. The programme is targeted at youths who content creators and are between the ages of 15-22.
The United Nations Children Education Fund is seeking for young content creators who are of ages 15-22 and are equipped with skills in animation and GIF creation to participate in the 2nd edition of the UNICEF Youth Mediathon, endorsed by GIPHY.
The Youth Mediathon is an online content creation programme of UNICEF, where youths will acquire digital storytelling skills, unite with other creators and develop multimedia projects on the issues they care about.
When you become a part of the youths that will participate in this programme, you will also participate in workshop about content creation for digital platforms, and work with young people across the word and top creative professionals to create animation based project to design GIFs for World Children’s Day, UNICEF yearly day of action for children – by children. Note that this assignment will have the support of GIPHY and UNICEF advisors.
UNICEF Youth Mediathion offers you the platform to improve your capabilities as a content creator and work with other youths to create all kinds of media contents that are centred on issues affecting the young people of the present day.
For the 2021 edition, you will meet experts from leading creative firms like GIPHY, Atticus and IN-Q and be opportune to implement the knowledge you will get from the programme to create and disseminate your own content with UNICEF.
Launch Date
It is important to note that application deadline is 6th August 2021. Meanwhile, the 2021 edition classes will commence on 12th August 2021.
How to Apply UNICEF Youth Mediathon 2021 Young Content Creators Program
Interested individuals should visit www.voicesofyouth.org/youthmediathon2021 to submit their applications.