World Literacy Foundation Ambassador Programme 2021

The world literacy foundation Ambassador program is not a job opportunity, or a paid position in the organization. It is a platform that develop your skills of leadership, and also to cooperate with other literacy advocates around the globe that will help raise awareness about illiteracy in the world.

World Literacy Foundation Ambassador ProgrammeDelivery of the five month program, will be done ONLINE, applicants are required to attend any on-site events, or travel. Applicants will also need access to a good connection of the internet, and a computer.

The world literacy foundation Ambassador Program supports one of the organization’s literacy program, every year. All advocacy, and funds effort will undergo a nominated project which is selected by the ambassadors.

Glance of the program

  • Starting Date: May 31st 2021.
  • Ending date: November 5th, 2021.
  • Location: Worldwide.
  • Method of training: Online.
  • There will be presentation of Completion certificate upon closure of the program, for the participants that fundraise for the WLF.

Requirements for World Literacy Foundation Ambassador Programme

Young people who can meet the following criteria, are advised to apply;

  • Have a deep passion for human rights, literacy, and social causes.
  • Be around 16 years of age, or older than.
  • Have an advanced level in English, and be a native English speaker.
  • Have access to internet connection, and computer.
  • Public speaking skills, and leadership preferred but not essential.
  • Be available to contribute about 30 hours of your service, across the five (5) months, in order to complete the program.

The WLF needs passionate, and determined individuals to;

  1. Be a voice advocating for literacy in their community.

  2. Awareness will be raise at their school,university, community group and media by Ambassadors.

  3. Education of vulnerable children will be supported around the world.

  4. Funds will be raise by Ambassador to support one of the WLF programs.

  5. Develop their advocacy and leadership skills.

Online Training will be received by Ambassador to learn how to get others involved in their cause, and make a greater impact that will help eradicate illiteracy in the world.

Why do I need to become a WLF Ambassador?

  • To gain leadership, fundraising, PR skills and communication.
  • Make a positive impact on the education of children who are disadvantage.
  • Accept a free role within a world recognized organization to support literacy.
  • Have your voice heard through social media, mainstream media, and WLF website.
  • Join a group of individuals that are encouraged to erase illiteracy.

How to Apply World Literacy Foundation Ambassador Programme

Interested applicants should CLICK HERE to submit their application.

Kindly note that a 30-second video introducing yourself and why you want to become a WLF Ambassador will be required.


  • March 22nd – April 2nd: Expressions of interest (EOI) submission.
  • April 5th – 23rd: evaluation of EOI.
  • May 10th – 23rd: Assessment of profile.
  • May 24th: Acceptance letter.
  • May 31st: Level 1:Introduction of the Ambassador program and WLF.
  • June 14th: Level 2:Literacy in the world and Education.
  • June 28th: Level 3:skills of Leadership.
  • July 12th: Level 4: Advocacy.
  • July 26th: Level 5: Fundraising of strategies.
  • August 9th – October 11th: Advocacy activities and fundraising.
  • September 8th: Celebration of international literacy Day.
  • October 18th: Submission of final report.
  • November 5th: Closure of program 2021.

For Further enquiry, visit to get more information about the world literacy foundation Ambassador Programme.

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