You would soon be updated on the Camp Reopening – NYSC tells Corps members

Reaction trailed as the management of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) requested for more patience from Corps members on camp reopening updates.

Recall that the Federal Government through the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on Covid19 has had given NYSC an approval to reopen orientation camp when tertiary institution resume.

However, has reported that some tertiary institutions in Nigeria will resume from September 24. But the NYSC management who have been waiting for the government’s ‘green light’ to reopen is yet to update Corps members on the next line of action.

In Nigeria, it’s very difficult to get a job or proceed for a postgraduate program without the NYSC Certificate. So many graduates have been kept on hold.

So, while Corps members are waiting for the breaking news from NYSC regarding reopening date, the scheme posted on its official social media page requesting for more patience from Corps members.

The handler wrote;

“We still request for your patience and understanding. You would soon be updated on the camp reopening as well as relevant information. Please bear with us as we are working assiduously towards it. Thank you”

Below are the reactions from angry Corps members;

1 thought on “You would soon be updated on the Camp Reopening – NYSC tells Corps members”

  1. @nyscinfo why reopening of camp for batch A? When they are pending batch that are yet to go,this is just a waste of time,let think about it.

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