10 Best USA Scholarships Available for Nigerian Students

In a quest to obtain the best possible career grooming in the most sophiscated settings, the enthusiasm of Nigerian students have risen greatly towards international scholarships.

This is a great development for the country as there will be great abundance of youths with high level of competence and exposure that our nation needs to drive her to her desired state. You can also check out:How to Get Scholarships In Nigeria.

10 Best US Scholarships Available for Nigerian Students

A lot of students have been having a hard time accessing information for US scholarships and if you are one of those who are earnestly desiring to be duly informed in that regard then you have picked up just the right material.

This content is about to help you navigate your way by helping you filtering through the long list of US scholarships to reach those who are readily available for African students.

This scholarships are accesible by not only Nigerian students but all African students.

There are 3 categories of these scholarships and it would make sense for you to know what they are so that you can know how to approach them.

  • Government Scholarships

These are scholarships that are sponsored and made available by the government. This scholarships allow you to apply to any university under that scholarship scheme for that year and the application to both the scholarship and the intended university are done separately.

When nominated and admitted every expense required for the duration of study including travel costs are sponsored by the government.

  • University Scholarships

This scholarships are put in place by a particular university and terms of eligibility and application vary from university to university. In this case the applicant is required to apply firstly for a course after which they are eligible to partake in the scholarships. They may be fully or partially funded and this types are very common in the US.

  • Foundation Scholarships

This category of scholarships are sponsored by independent and usually private bodies in the name of a cause or in a bid to immortalize a person’s legacy.

The amount of funds provided as well as the amount of students who are picked vary among foundations and this type is also very common in the US.

Now, let’s take a quick stroll through our list of the best available US scholarships for Nigerian applicants. Check out: Easy Steps to Getting Scholarship Funding to Study Abroad.

10 Best US Scholarships Available for Nigerian Students

Below are the 10 Best US Scholarships available for Nigerian students;

1. MasterCard Foundation Scholarship

This is a fully funded scholarship accessible to applicants of the University of California for both the bachelors and masters degree categories.

It cover travel and flight costs, Tuition, health insurance, stipends etc. It is a massive scholarships and will expose everyone who benefits from the scholarship to the best experience possible.

This scholarship encourage applications from African students who reside in Africa.

2. MSU MasterCard Foundation Scholarship

This is also a fully funded scholarship and its accesible to Michigan State University applicants who reside in Africa. It encourages application from Masters studies applicants and covers every necessary costs including travel, flight, monthly stipend and other necessary expenses.

3. The Foreign Fulbright Scholarship

This scholarship is handled by the United States embassy and the binational Fulbright foundations. It accepts in the region of four thousand students yearly and is accessible to applicants from several nations including those in the African continent. Although the amount of students admitted into the program varies with different countries.

4. The Master of Science in Foreign Studies (MSFS)

Scholarship for African Student: The MSFS grants opportunities to applicants of GeorgeTown University and it is a full tuition scholarship for exceptional students from the sub-Saharan nations.

It covers the entire Masters study duration and the courses offered include Analytical tools, international trade, statistics, etc.

5. Imomoh Scholarship

This scholarship is open to African students whose interest are in obtaining a Masters degree in petroleum engineering and it is sponsored by the SPE foundation. This unlike the earlier ones describe is a funding scholarship and provides between two thousand dollars to five thousand dollars for educational projects only. This help to cushion the effect of educational expenses and could complement full tuition scholarships.

6. African Water Association Scholarships

This scholarship provides one thousand dollars to sponsor the research of young water and sanitation professionals. It is a water research fellowship by the African water association in order to encourage young and motivated African professionals in that field.
This scholarship can be a way of complementing the funding of a tuition waiver scholarship in the US.

7. LAWA Scholarship

This scholarship is available to a woman right lawyer from Africa who also intends to obtain a Masters degree. It is a Fellowship that is sponsored by the Georgetown University Law center and it is open to applicants from every African nation.

This scholarship though is not a fully funded scholarship accessible d the applicants are required to have the capability to fund other expenses and be able to show a valid proof in that regard.

8. Inclusive Education Scholarship

This scholarship focuses on outstanding students who have possess excellent degree results in the fields of Teaching, public administration, social work, psychology etc from African countries.
Applicants from China, Ukraine, and Czech Republic are also benefactors of this scheme.

9. Klaus Bathe Leadership Scholarship

This scholarship is only applicable to undergraduates of university of Cape Town.
Although the bulk of the applications are students from South Africa, they also welcome applications from other African nations. It is a yearly fully funded scholarship.

10. Exxonmobil Middle East and North African Scholarship program

This is a full tuition scholarships for graduates of engineering, physics, chemistry, Mathematics, computer science and geography who plan to pursue a masters degree in geosciences. It also offers stipends for housing as welka5as for cost of educational materials, travel costs to the US among others.
This scholarship can be approximated to a fully funded US scholarship.

We believe that our scholarship list above will offer you varying options and also serve as a propellant that brings you into the pool of equally viable scholarship that would catalyse your career path.

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