8 Benefits of Private University Education in Nigeria

Many people in Nigeria are always skeptical about getting university education from private institutions. Mostly due to mind blowing and jaw dropping tuition fees. Here we shall look at some of the benefits of private university education in Nigeria.

Benefits of Private university education in Nigeria

Be this as it may, there exist many benefits that one stands to gain from studying in these blue chipped and heavy walled private universities.

Benefits of Private University Education in Nigeria

Below are some benefits of private university education in Nigeria;

1. Sacrosanct Graduation Year

These needs not to be emphasized. ASUU has been on strike for the past eight months and there is no end in sight.

Students of Private universities were studying virtually during the covid-19 (even some conducted convocation ceremonies) while their counterparts in the public were practically roaming the streets.

These shows how definite the graduation year of Private universities students are that of the public universities are always disrupted by the many strikes from different unions in the university system.

2. Better Students’ Welfare

A visit to a public university in Nigeria will go a long way in explaining this fact.

Students hostels most times grossly inadequate (in schools that they exist), dilapidated buildings and inadequate laboratories conducive for teaching and learning.

This is not the case of Private universities as most schools takes students seriously.

3. Better Personal/Social Skills

For many, the university is a potpourri of values, morals and ethics. The graduate of the private university stands a better chance of getting better equipped socially because the private university operate a more closed system and admission into it is more stringent.

4. Organized System

The private university system is a more organized unlike the public universities that is berserk with a lot of buecracy.

Inquiries and information are treated with urgency and close monitoring which can not be said about public universities.

  1. Good Students-Lecturer Relationship

Students of Private universities most times enjoy good rapport and inter personal relationship with their lecturers.

This can not be said about public universities as there is always this fear and animosity between the teachers and the taught.

6. Security

Private universities most times enjoy a good security network on campus. Majority of the staff and students live on campus and the security of the University community is taking very seriously. This can not be said about public universities.

7. Chances of Studying Preferred Course is Higher

In private universities,one can be sure if being admitted into one’s preferred department. This is due to a very reduced cut off mark and low enrollment in the screening process.

This is mostly not applicable to public universities that sees thousands of people joggling for limited spaces.

8. Good Concentrated Learning Process

Private universities pay close attention to students development. The classes are always small with lecturers paying a close attention to each students strength and development.

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