When you’re thinking about getting a loan from a bank, there are some important things you should know. It’s not just about getting the money; it’s...
Grants for Nigerian Entrepreneurs refer to free financial support provided to individuals or groups in Nigeria who want to start or develop their businesses. Unlike loans,...
Blocking your bank account if your phone is stolen means taking quick steps to prevent anyone from accessing your money or personal information linked to your...
Industry is an essential part of every society for development. Therefore, a developing country must have functional industries as they create employment, foster financial stability, and...
Do you need a loan from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to fund your business? If ‘yes,’ you are on the right page. In this...
CBN/FirstBank Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme (CACS): This post will guide you on how to apply for the CBN CACS loan through FirstBank. If you are in...
NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) has issued a fresh warning to applicants of various government schemes overseen by the bank. NMFB, a licensed financial institution by the...
NIRSAL Microfinance Bank, also known as NMFB, is a subsidiary of the Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL), which was established and incorporated...
The non-interest lending facility was introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria in collaboration with NIRSAL micro finance bank. In this post, we will guide you...
USADF is thrilled to announce the USADF Off-Grid Energy Challenge and is now accepting proposals from eligible African off-grid energy companies. This grant is like a...