10 Common Interview Questions and Answers (2021)

Here we shall look at the top most common Interview Questions and Answers that every job seekers should look out for.

As a job seeker looking out for employment opportunities, your first idea is likely to set up an extraordinary resumé that would get you the work you are looking for, and that on its own is fine.

An incredible resume particularly one customized in line with the particular job opening is intended to beat the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and grab the attention of the interviewer at a glance.

A great resumé has the potential of making you scale through the preliminary elimination phases, but it doesn’t really end there. You are most likely going to appear on a hot seat: the interview panel, where you would be grilled by a handful of board members who are there to gauge your performance on a general scale.

This may get you tensed, as the ‘hiring squad’ is experienced and prepared to carry out such functions.

Their responsibility is to try and filter candidates they feel would become assets to the firm if employed.

However, this shouldn’t make you fret. Bear it in mind that each and every member of the panel is human, and numerous other individuals have passed through that stage successfully before you.

That being the case, let us hop in at once and get to know the ten common questions you are likely going to be asked once you appear before the interview panel. Check out: 10 Tough Job Interview Questions and Answers

Top 10 Common Interview Questions and Answers

Below are the top 10 most common Interview Questions and Answers;

1. Tell us about yourself

This might sound like a pretty easy question when it gets to you, but an understanding of what is required of you at this point is what would give you an edge over other candidates who are most likely going to be asked the same question.

When a prospective employer asks you about yourself, you might want to save yourself the stress of telling unnecessary tales and go straight to the point with facts that are relevant to the job role you are applying for.

A brief personal introduction first, then go ahead to sell your skills and competencies as well as past job experiences which are in line with your role in view. Remember, first impressions matter, so be sure to give it your best shot.

2. What are your strengths/weaknesses?

Though tricky, this is one of the common interview questions you may not escape if you do not go in well prepared.

As humans, we all have our selling points, and as well as our breaking points. The interviewer knows this, so while discussing your weaknesses or strengths (or both, as the case may be) try to be as honest and discreet as possible so as not to shoot yourself in the face.

It is advisable that you discuss the weakness(es) first, then proceed to inform the interviewer on steps you are taking to work on it/them, and then bring your good sides on, aligning them in a manner which would fit into the desired job role.

3. What is your ideal workplace?

This question seeks to give the employer a sneak peek into your perceived ideal work environment, and this differs from person to person.

You are expected to express yourself in line with your personal ideals, which must also align with that of the company.

Your response to this will also help the employer to know how best they can improve the working and welfare conditions of the staff.

It is however pertinent to make sufficient research on the policies of the company or organization before the interview. You can go online or make enquiries from already existing staffers of the company. Your answer must also convey the organization’s interest in mind, and not just you.

4. Why do you want to work for this company?

Whether or not money is your primary motivation for working in the company so desired, try not to make it so obvious that you are trying to get your way in there just for personal gains.

You can make your prospective employer understand that you are there to add value and that you will make a great addition to the company if employed.

As it is the case with every workplace, there are goals and targets and only the right workforce with the right motivation can get this done, so it is incumbent on the employer to recruit workers whose ideals are in sync with that of the company.

In answering this, you must impress your interviewer while remaining honest and truthful in your approach. Convince them (with valid reasons) to understand that you are the next best thing to happen to the company if recruited and that you are not just there for the money.

5. What are your salary expectations?

We all know that money is one of the main reasons why jobs are sought after, especially the good-paying ones, and this is not an anomaly because the bills won’t pay themselves.

However, when answering a question of this nature before an interview panel, try to be as discreet and moderate as possible in your submissions, as this could also pass as a test of your negotiating abilities as potential staff.

We all want more money in the bag, true, but you don’t want to portray yourself as one greedy fellow who wants a paycheck larger than Jupiter.

Key factors to consider when negotiating your salary include; your competence level, work experience, a track record of performance and personal running costs (transportation, feeding, accommodation and other logistics).

A pro tip to be considered while negotiating a salary (especially when asking for a raise) is that you must sell your worthwhile exuding confidence in the process.

Let your prospective employer know the value of who they are hiring, argue your best pay and leave them to decide according to their budget.

6. Where do you see yourself in the next five (or any other number) years?

When you are confronted with this question, you are being drilled to know if you are keen on personal development and career advancement even as you render effective services to the organization.

Your prospective employer also wants to know if your ideals align with the company’s long term goals. Granted, no one can successfully predict the future, but one has to be really creative while answering this question.

7. Why did you leave your previous workplace?

This question would only be made to slide if you have not had any working experience in the past, but if you have, then you have to brief the interviewer on your reasons for ditching your former workplace and seeking out new grounds.

This is similar to the ”why do you want to work here?” question, but there is a thin line drawn between the two. Your response to this question would help your interviewer to know where your erstwhile workplace got it wrong to the extent that you left, and also work towards losing valuable staff.

It also accords employers the opportunity to uncover candidates with questionable characters and know where to place them accordingly.

8. What would you do if you do not get this job?

”I would take it in good faith” seem to be the go-to answer candidates give when this question is thrown at them. ”I will try out other places” is another one which comes close, but the impression this gives is that you are merely trying your luck on the offer, and not confident on getting the job.

There are chances that you may not get the job in the end, but your response to this question may be a game-changer.

Rather than tell the interviewer that you will take your rejection in good faith, why not ask when the next recruitment would take place so that you can apply again? If you are really interested in working there, then you must demonstrate it.

9. What should be done to you if you fail to deliver on the job?

This is like asking you to make your own gallow, but you can be smarter. As expected, every organization has its rules and regulations and by these, every member of staff must abide.

It is in the place of candidates to know these rules or code of conduct (as the case may be) up to the penalties which accompany a breach or default in the company’s policies.

An understanding of these would guide a candidate to answer this question smartly without personally allocating a penalty to him/her self unknowingly.

However, this is a common-sense question, and it is advisable that while answering, you project yourself as an efficient hand and not as a defaulter.

10. Do you have any questions?

Most interviewers are nice to the extent that they offer you an opportunity to throwback questions at them after you must have had your share of the grill.

It is incumbent on you, the candidate to seize the moment and make useful inquiries about the workplace. A pro tip to this is that you must try not to respond with ”No”.

The essence of asking if you have any question(s) is to engage you intellectually and also ascertain your level of preparedness for the job, should the outcome of the interview be in your favour.

Intelligent questions like ”what are the criteria for selecting successful candidates for this job?” can make you know what to expect after the interview. You can check out: Top 30 Questions job seekers need to ask employers during an interview.

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