FIRS Gives Update On 2023 Recruitment Exercise

FIRS Recruitment News Update – the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) has warned Nigerians seeking to work with the organization to be wary of fraudsters who continue to portray themselves as the recruitment agents with the intent to defraud unsuspecting members of the public.

This was disclosed in a statement by the FIRS’s Special Assistant on Media & Communication to the Chairman, Johannes Oluwatobi Wojuola.

He noted that the agency has on several occasions warned the public to be vigilant and avoid falling for recruitment scammers who ask for a huge amount of money from unsuspecting victims with the promise to provide them employment in the organization.

He said;

“Again, the Management of the FIRS wishes to caution the public to be wary of these employment scam artists.

“The Service wishes to emphatically state that it is not conducting any recruitment at the moment, and importantly that it does not conduct recruitment exercises through back door channels. Should the FIRS at any instance have needed to expand its workforce and consequently seek to recruit competent hands to carry out the task of revenue mobilization for the nation, the public can rest assured that the Service would follow appropriate channels and processes in doing so; including advertisements on public channels of communication, followed by rigorous screening, interviews, and examination exercises.

“The FIRS also wishes to caution media practitioners not to allow their mediums to be used as platforms for publishing unauthorized fake application processes and recruitment portals that hoodwink the unsuspecting public. The Service would take all necessary legal action against any platform found to be engaged in such fraudulent advertisement” .

Source: Nyscinfo.côm

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