How to Edit Your NPower Application After Submission

How To Apply For NPower

Do you notice a mistake after you have submitted your N-power application, and now you wish to edit your data or correct the error? Here we will show you how to edit your Npower application after submission.

We created this post after we noticed that many Nigerians who applied for the N-Power 2020 recruitment made mistakes while filling the Npower e-form.

Any mistake or error can disqualify a candidate from taking part in Npower programme. However, if you make a mistake while entering your data, editing your application could help to put back in good shape.

How to edit your NPower application form after submission

So, now your question is, ‘how do I edit my NPower application after I’ve already submitted?

Well, that is a tough question, but we will try our best in explaining it.

Now, to shock you, the straight answers is, you cannot edit or change anything in your Npower application after you’ve clicked on the “Submit” button.

So bad, right? That is why you should be careful when filling the form. And those who are yet to apply should review their application before clicking ‘Submit’ button.

What will happen to those who made mistakes?

This may be another question going round in your mind. Luckily, the top N-power official, has addressed this issues on social media.

According to Npower official, applicant who made a mistake in his/her application might risk being disqualified from participating in the programme.

So, all those who are yet to apply should make sure they follow instructions carefully while filling application forms.

What to do if you make a mistake in your application

As at now, there is nothing to do if you make a mistake in your N-Power application in the ongoing Batch C recruitment.

All candidates who already made one mistake or the other should not submit another application as that could lead to automatic disqualification.

But if your application has mistakes, you may or may not be disqualified. So, there is a  possibility that NPower will accept candidates that have some errors, so keep your hope alive.

Other important things to know

If your application is successfully submitted but you did not get an e-mail which contains your NPower Application Slip, read this post: how to print your N-power application slip without receiving email.

Remember to get the N-power past questions and answers because you will write aptitude test.

Over to you! If you made a mistake in your Npower application, tell us in the comment section below, so we can tell whether or not it will affect you.


  1. I have written my test, but want to change my residence address, please any possibility?

    • I want to change my local government and my course of study is they any possibility

    • That’s what I’m also facing please if you find solutions you let me know please

  2. I wrote a wrong date of birth mistakenly and now i want to update my dashboard is telling me that the application date of birth and that og bvn did not match now what may i do inorder to update my dashboard

      • I have been deployed, the process of downloading my PPA,i was told my date of birth in my details does not match with my BVN details, i mistakely filled 2008 instead of 1988,please what do i do?

  3. my bro applied n power for me, not knowing that i have alredy applied.
    what should i do?

  4. I made mistake when typing my name instead of jahvwede I type jahvwee

  5. I am a diploma holder and i applied for N teach pls will this affect me. Thank you.

    • Is it true that NCE is needed for N teach? If it is true I want to change to N tech. Because I have ND result.
      If it is not true then leave my N teach.

  6. Hi…I was supposed to pick N teach but I chose N health. Pls will this affect me?

  7. I sincerely hope that Allah (SWT) will shower his infinite mercy and Rahman on every applicant. Ameen.

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