How To Optimize Your CV For Quick Employment

CV optimization guide for every job seeker: At a time where employment is so scarce and getting recruited is a seemingly bad experience, there is a need to give yourself the best chance on the recruitment table. Here we will show you how to optimize your CV or Resume for quick employment.

Much emphasis has been placed on writing a good CV, which is great considering that it is an inevitable way of getting started except that it is inadequate.

The way CVs are being assessed has entered a whole new level, which makes it even tougher for the average applicant to fit in.

There are two ways in which CVs are assessed:

1). The direct employer’s assessment: This is what you are used to but even this has taken a new dimension. Employers only take a few seconds to scan through your document and if your CV is not structured in a way that it passes the ’10 seconds’ test’ it gets thrashed.

That’s right, I said so. With thousands of application on the employer’s table, you have to ‘get in front of him’ within 10 seconds.

2). The Applicant Tracking System: In this case a computer software is used to assess your document, and it is the most structured of the duo. It automatically checks through your CV and checks for programmed keywords by the employer, absence of which your CV is discarded.

One way of dealing with this is to include keywords sought by the employer into your CV in a strategic way.

A smart approach to dealing with the increased CV scrutiny is to adopt CV Optimization in addition to writing a good CV which is the complete package in an acceptable CV structuring.

CV optimization means that you tailor your CV in a way that it becomes smart, passes the message maximumly and launches a grand appeal on your behalf within a very short time. You may also like to check out: difference between CV and Resume (clear explanation).

Tips on how to optimize your CV

Below are how to optimize your CV;

1. Update your CV

As simple as this sounds, it is a big factor limiting the application of many. Several people treat their CVs as an untouchable document. They do not edit or tamper with it to improve it since it was first written.

Sometimes, all it takes to improve your chances is an update. An update of your skills, your improved capacity building efforts and the invaluable achievements you now boast in your work places since you last wrote the document.

2. Structure your CV according to the specific job application

Most graduates do not know that there is a need to add a dynamic look to the appearance of their CV. Many make the mistake of submitting the same CV for different roles and to different organizations. There’s a way you can convince your potential employers that you understand what a need and that you are an embodiment of the solutions they require in an employee.

You can give a transforming touch to the structure of your CV in peculiarity to a specific job in the following ways:

a) Include keywords that are peculiar to that role in your CV: You can ask “how do I do this?” This becomes easy when you are well informed on what the employer wants. You know what the employer wants by paying keen attention to the job specifications and job requirements.

Having observed these words in the form of skills, experiences, certifications, and personality they seek, you can then cleverly fit them into your document as they apply to you. This helps your document in passing the ATS test and also go a way in convincing the recruiters that you know what you are there for.

b) Write a brief but captivating professional statement: You want to give a strong and solid impression of yourself to the HR personnel, and you do this by inspecting your introductory statement.

Write a professional statement that gives the best account of you and contains key points that are required from your job role.

c) Tailor your skills list to those required: Since your potential recruiters are only interested in partnering with those who possess a particular skill set, why don’t you advertise them in your document when you have them.

The goal is not in showing them you are highly skilled, it is in convincing them you have what they need and in abundance, hence for every job you apply for, only put set of skills you know are appealing to it. Also have desirable personal attributes that are suitable and eye catching.

d) Be intentional about the experiences you portray for every job: It is probably true you have amassed a lot of certifications, internship experiences and job experiences, but which one suits that job?

This is how CV optimization brings succinctness into your application. Now that you know they wouldn’t give you much time to express your wealth of experience, won’t you keep things as short as possible? Present a 2-paged CV that is detailed but convincing and straight to the point.

e) Catch the eye of your potential recruiters with your achievements: Position your achievements in a way that it draws their interest and desire you before even meeting you.

You do this by being precise in stating what you achieved in an organization within a defined period. Highlight your achievements using numbers and percentages. This show that you are intentional about what you are offering a brand and that you are results driven. Those figures increase your desirability.

3. Let your CV be brief

Again we stress this point as it is the major essence of CV optimization. Your CV must be as brief as possible to bring you to the court of consideration.

Cut out every and any irrelevance, you can even go as far as stating only your tertiary education details while ignoring those of primary and secondary schools so you can have enough space to give relent things. Keep the length short!

4. Ensure your CV is easy to read and follow

Let there be an easy and logical flow when your CV is read. Keep it simple and straightforward. Check for spelling errors and eliminate unnecessary repetitions and mingling up.

Talk more of your latest job roles and achievements and less of the initial ones. Edit it well and ensure the appearance is friendly to anyone who attempts to check through.

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