In this post, we shall profile National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) members who committed suicide from June 2019 till date.
One may wonder why talented young graduates are committing suicide. Did they kill themselves because of the poor allowance (N19,000) the Federal Government pay them? What kind of depression could make a Corps member consider taking his/her own life?
Well, in this article, we will get to the root.
List of NYSC members who committed Suicide & their reasons
1. Ezekiel Mayowa
He studied Hospitality Management at Lagos State Polytechnic. Ezekiel wasn’t a Corps member but he killed himself because his girlfriend left him for another guy as soon as she entered NYSC Orientation camp. He killed himself on … by drinking poisonous substance (Sniper)…Read more.
2. Johnson Onyilo
He is a Corps member serving in Oyo State before he took his life. He studied accounting at the University of Jos. Nyscinfo.com leant that he left a suicide note stating he was fed up with life and pleaded with his parents to forgive him for all the troubles they went through to see him through school…Read more.
3. Mercy Adelakun
Miss Mercy Shalom Adelakun served with 2018 Batch A. She killed herself on 30 June, 2019 by drinking insecticide (Snipper). According to a close relation, she killed herself because a guy she just met dumped her. But the guy they said he dumped her quickly contacted Nyscinfo.com to debunk the claim.
According to the guy, “I really love Mercy despite the fact she was epileptic, and we are planning to get married but her parents never want me to marry her. Mercy’s parent attend white garment and they always see vision that I am a curse…Read more.
4. Bolufemi Princess Motunrayo
Miss Bolufemi Princess is from Kogi State serving as a Corps member in Enugu state. She committed suicide on 10th January, 2020 by drinking poisonous insecticide (Snippers). Before she killed herself, she wrote “I did this because I see nothing worth living for in this world…Read more.