Nationwide Recruitment of 37,000 Youths As Soil Doctors By NALDA

The synergic cooperation between National Agricultural Land Development Authority (NALDA) and Nigeria Institute of Soil Science (NISS) has yielded great innovation recently, as they are set to train and empower thirty seven thousand (37,000) youths across all states of the country. These number of youths will be engaged as soil doctors, in order to promote the productivity in the agricultural sector.

Farming activities has gone beyond cultural form, as scientific methods has evolve to help yield more produce and food security of the country.
The targeted youths are graduates with scientific background, or/and agricultural knowledge, that will take charge of the following;

A. Soil management.

B. Soil testing.

C. Extension services/assistance to farmers with reduced charges.

D. Identify soil nutrients, and possible crop that will yield well in a particular piece of land.

The training will be a fourteen (14) days core training, after which successful applicants will be given the necessary equipment by NALDA to commence practice.

Note: You can visit NALDA office in your State for further inquiries, as regards to the recruitment Exercise.

Kindly follow us, as we unveil other processes of the recruitment, whenever it start proper.

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