Networking Tips For Job Seekers In Nigeria

The saying “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” has been used how often? I frequently hear that. While having the appropriate credentials, relevant work experience, and a well-written cover letter are all fantastic tools to have while looking for a great job, networking to get a job is one that is all too frequently disregarded.

Knowing the appropriate individuals and using those connections to your advantage through networking can make the job search process easier.

Knowing someone who knows someone else can help you get your well-written resume and cover letter in front of the hiring manager and help you go from being unemployed to being completely employed.

In addition, effective networking can lead to you learning beforehand that a business is hiring or that the position you’ve been hoping and praying for is becoming available even before the listing is published. In many instances, having strong industry connections is just as crucial to landing a new job as your educational background and professional expertise.

What exactly is networking?

It involves establishing sincere connections and lasting bonds with people who can either provide you with immediate assistance or introduce you to those who can. These connections frequently result in future employment and business opportunities that might not otherwise arise. Strong networking can result in relationships, guidance, and referrals.

Building your network is the first step in using networking for your job search.

Always keep in mind that your network extends beyond the individuals you currently or previously work with. Your list should include members of any group or organization you interact with on a personal and professional level, as well as people from all of your social networks.

Excellent places to look for potential networking contacts include:

1. Classmates: if you are looking for a job in Nigeria, those with whom you schooled should be your first point of contact. The advantage of your classmates to your job search is the fact that, having been with them for up to 5 or 5 years, they are in the position to know your capability and can vouch for you.

2. Social gatherings: You can meet and exchange contacts with people in various social gatherings. Some of these gatherings include birthday parties, wedding receptions, churches and a host of other places.

3. Alumni club: If you’ve graduated, look into you’re your Alumni association.

4. Friends of friends: find and connect with as many friends as you can. However, you must ensure that your choice of friendship is in line with the goal you’ve set out to achieve.

5. Neighbors/ Relatives: You can always speak to your neighbors and relatives, even handing them a copy of your CV.

6. Sports Groups: If you are an athlete or a fan of any sport, the opportunity to meet other fans at sports centers is one you should take advantage of.

7. Volunteer organizations: you can volunteer to work for non-governmental organizations to build your resume, experience and network. This will put you poll position for recommendation when the need arises.

8. Professional organizations

You must now establish contact with these folks. There are two approaches you might take when looking for a job. both the informal and formal ways.

The informal approach involves getting in touch with your personal contacts and soliciting their assistance in your job search. This approach is a great way to begin your job hunt and may also be utilized to develop your network because the people you speak with could be able to put you in touch with people who might assist you.

Attending social gatherings, meetings, or associations with a business focus is how you professionally network. Like you, there are others who network as well. Talk to people and exchange contact information to take advantage of this. If attending these gatherings makes you uncomfortable, you can alternatively join and participate in career forums on social media.

Whatever strategy you use, the secret to effective networking is to make sure that you treat every networking contact with sincere gratitude and regard for their expert judgment.

They’ll be delighted to share in your joy if you’re fortunate enough to land a job. If you’re still unemployed, a gentle reminder can motivate them to extend their help or connect you with another person.

The most crucial thing is to make sure your networking path is two-way. When it’s time for them to ask for help, always be there to lend a hand.

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