No Arrears for Corps members, they are not Civil Servants – NYSC DG

No Arrears for Corps members
NYSC DG, Brig. Gen. Shauibu Ibrahim

The NYSC DG has said there would be no arrears for Corps Members, because they are not Civil Servants but on National Service.

Director-General of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has said the budget allocated for the scheme by the Federal Government made it impossible to pay minimum wage arrears to Corps members.

No Arrears for Corps members

However, Brig. General Shuaibu, commended the Federal Government on the recent increase of Corps Members’ allowance.

NYSC allowance was captured in the 2020 budget of the Scheme, payable with effect from January this year, which therefore precludes the payment of arrears.

“Corps Members are NOT Civil Servants, they are on National Service and the commencement date for the payment of the increment of their allowance is January 2020 which the Federal Government has started“, he concluded.

However, the DG warned Prospective Corps Members with fake credentials to stay off its Orientation Camps across the country.

He added that anyone caught, especially graduates from the universities in West African sub-region with the intent to undermine the integrity of its mobilisation process with fake certificates would be arrested and prosecuted.

The Director-General, Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim gave this warning in his office in Abuja.

He said that the NYSC Scheme had put necessary mechanism in place to curb the enrolment of fake graduates for the Orientation course, and would continue working diligently in that direction.

The DG noted that the Scheme had made tremendous achievements in the fight against unqualified graduates who try to infiltrate the Scheme.

Ibrahim added that during the 2019 Batch ‘C’ online registration, over twenty thousand foreign – trained Nigerians uploaded their results online, however, during the physical verification exercise, just 3,420 showed up. This out come is because they have been forewarned that anyone caught with fake certificate would be prosecuted.

If you have reasons that you think Corps members should be paid minimum wage arrears, use the comment section below.


  1. I just wish some of these comments get to FG…. and not end here.
    Let them know our heart cry… we can’t continue to work like elephant and be financially maltreated. When there’s no motivation, workers don’t work effectively

  2. In everything you are doing, there is God o.
    We are supposed to be assistants to the school teachers but we end up being the real teachers teaching in rural areas with a lot of challenges like no electricity, no good water, even the road is mouldy just because we put to heart that we must make Nigeria proud of us. All the allowances we get are constantly expended on what the state is supposed to provide. Coping in other states other than yours isn’t that easy with the little money we were initially being paid, even now that is 33000ngn, is still not enough. When FG knows it won’t pay arrears, why are we not paid immediately the bill was passed to law? No savings, it’s not as if there is any job waiting for youths out there after serving the nation, how do do you want youths to cope after service??? There is no how theft will cease in the nation now.
    Or better still, let all corp members serve in their respective states, after all, they are used to the states and they live with family members that will feed them free and give them shelters…. through this we will have savings to cope after service

  3. History must form the basis of every action of the State . Jonathan paid areas to corpers during his own tenure, why will Buhari’s regime fail to pay us?. Please, pay us our money , it is our right or else God is there to pay you people and your family with what is shaking the whole world presently!.

  4. Now I know the reason why nysc organized a Nation wide rally on fight against corruption, was to brainwashed the general public that the sector is corrupt-free organization so that they can hide under the canopy of just and righteous organization to perpetuate evil and injustice to their children. I really pity the father who cheats on his children coz the fate of such father is doomed from the start. If FG and NYSC want to be coursed and never see peace, is to withhold the arears but if they want blessings and progress they should settle arears issue with Corp members.
    The share which the first born received, the same the last born can receive. Civil servants and Corp members are first born and last born and a good father consider his last born than the first born because he’s still growing. Mark my point.

  5. To the source… Where is the future of Nigeria youth in their own country when they been denied of their benefit from the country.
    We render selfless service to our country yet dey said we are not civil servant,
    Under the son and the rain we called Nigeria our one but yet we are being discriminated,
    We had of corp members who lost their lives on their coming from CDS, going to their PPA, Going back to their state of deployment after a short break and others… Even cases of kidnapping yet they said we are not entitled to arrears because we are not civil servant.
    When a corp member died the family will be compensated and now those that are alive they denying them of their benefit is this not medicine after death?…
    Please sir (DG) I think this case should be given proper attention though we are not civil servants but we are still servants we render services that every other civil servant render in the cause of this one… Sir we can’t be denied of this, this is not the first minimum wage increment that has been made… Every other corp member has benefited from the previous ones why is this case different…

  6. This is not the first time that the minimum wage was increased and arrears were paid (to both corps members and civil servants).Why is it different now? I served in one secondary school in a rural area (2018/2019) I was only entitled to my federal allowance alone, nothing from the state nor my ppa. Yet my colleagues and I put in our best with the hope that we will reap this when the government started paying minimum wage. You don’t know how it feels when your colleagues are earning more than you. Especially when u are supposed to be entitled to it but your right was denied. The federal government should please reconsider. Even though nobody is ready to support us, but we are pleading to be considered.

    • corruption wont let me reason well……..rubbish country even the DG is senceless for not standing for us,,,how i wish the former state cordinator of osun state mr Attah was the DG

  7. I wish to use this medium to draw the attention of the Federal government toward the issue of payment of arrears. The bill which established the new minimum wage was signed into law since April 2019 which means payment should commence from when the bill was signed into law. It is worthy of note that all Federal workers have obtained payment in arrears whereas, Corps members are totally left behind.

    Recall that under the administration of former President Jonathan the minimum wage was reviewed as Corps members who left the service even before full implementation were all paid in arrears.
    Today we wish to know why the Federal Government kept mute over payment of Corps Members.

    Corps members nationwide being future leaders and able youths of our great Nation deserve to know why we were left out in this issue of arrears.
    Does FG feel that paying us arrears is a waste of money? Does FG realise that paying Corps members in arrears means investing in us?


    1) All serving corps members have decided to ask questions and to know exactly why FG excluded us from getting Minimum wage arrears.

    2) We shall engage all relevant stakeholders to assist us in this quest.

    3) We shall remain loyal to the authority as we seek justice.

    4) We shall mobilise nation wide to ensure we obtain the desired result.

    5) We shall raise an online petition which will be circulated Nationwide for collection of signatures in support of our quest.

    6) We shall continue to seek what is due for us till we achieve the desired result in the spirit of ALUTA.


    Following the announcement of the newly approved wage of 33,000 naira for corp members by the Director General of the National youth service Corp – Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim, corp members expect as follows:

    1) Corp members in 2019 Batch A will earn as much as 118,800 in areas covering the period between April and December of 2019.

    2) Their colleagues in 2019 Batch B stream 1 will earn an estimated amount of 105,200 within the period of June and December while those in Batch B stream 2 will look forward to receiving the sum of 66,000.

    3) Also, members in 2018 Batch B streams 1 and 2, and Batch C streams 1 and 2 are expected to earn 26,400, 39,600 and 79,200, 92,400 respectively.

    Finally, I call on the relevant (NYSC) authority to assists us to achieve this aim for the greater benefit of our country at large.


  8. I will never restrain myself to say this, as the DG of NYSC you should be ashamed of yourself to have come to the public to make this announcement,I don’t know what this country is turning to,where public officers don’t know the meaning and value of integrity and implication of signing a document of agreement under law. If the president is not educated to know the implications, I guess the DG should know unless if he is a complete idiot. You probably think I’m insulting the president and the DG, well that is the beginning of a failed country when the constitution is not respected by the government of the day and public officers think they have the right words to defend injustice perpetrated by hoodlums in government. This is just the beginning for more is still coming. The government owe me arrears and don’t want to pay when there is nothing tangible the government is doing with the revenue generated by this country in the past five years of it’s rule. Northerners are the problems of this country,uneducated and uncivilised that sabotage the efforts of other regions in the country.

  9. Without prejudice to the stand of NYSC on the anticipated arrears by ex-corp members.
    I wish to state emphatically that payment of arrears to ex-corp members who were in active service during the period of implementation of the new minimum wage as at 18 April,2019 are legally entitled for their arrears as it is their right and not a privilege.
    Previous Government paid ex-corp members arrears without any agitation so this Government should toe the same direction of magnanimity.

  10. It is unfair to say this sir. The increment had been implememted since April, 2019, but u guys delied the pay so that u would deny our rights as citizens. We are all graduates and we have professionals in all disciplines. Therefore, i think we are at the better position to differentiate between a servant and who is not.

    The arreaers should be paid as far as the government of nigeria is partriotic and compatriotic. How many people do you think will pray for Nigeria as a result of the actualization of this arrears we so much about?

    The money is there under your costody. Thus,conveince the federal government to pay us as you conveinced them to make the increment.

    It will be very regretful for you to deny our arrears under your tenue. It will a great chellenge to yiu hendsforth. Kazaure could have done that, he could have paid us already. Yet we have good confidence on you. Our arrears should of course be paid. It will a pride for our government to pay its teeming youths their arrears. Must of us will use the money to invest.


    The President Muhammadu Buhari led administration which came to power on the heels of fighting corruption must not sweep the idea of paying Corp members their arrears under the carpet. This is especially so when one considers the fact that he was voted into power on the grounds that he will fight Corruption to a standstill.

    Any attempt not to pay Corp members their arrears would hugely dent his war on corruption and ridiculed his acclaimed “Integrity”. Worst still, it will be a gigantic disservice to the great youths of this country (Nigeria) who had “under the rain and in the sun with dedication and selflessness” give in their all for the progressive and development of this Country.

    The idea of saying Corp members are not “civil servants” or on a “National service” and as such not entitled to the arrears does not hold water and cannot stand critical analysis.

    Reflect on the following:

    Recall that in 2011 under the leadership of Dr. Good luck Ebele Jonathan when there was an increment of Corp members monthly allowance from N9,775 to N19,800. Brig. General Maharazu Tsiga made the announcement of the increment from N9,775 to N19,800 and arrears were paid to those who were in active service and to those who had passed out.

    Kindly inquire from those who served from 2010,2011 and 2012 or simply Google Search to clear your doubt and set the record straight.This had been the laid down procedure and acceptable tradition.Nonetheless, one wonder why there will be a paradigm shift now? Or why Corp members should not be paid arrears?

    If the Federal government under Dr. Good luck Jonathan should pay arrears I see no reason why this government should not pay. If GEJ should pay arrears I see no better explanation why we shouldn’t be paid on the grounds that we are not civil servants. Those Corp members who were paid during GEJ administration why were they not denied on the grounds that they were not civil servants or on a national service? why now? Or is there something that we need to be told?

    Even the the NYSC Boss Brig. Gen.Shauibu Ibrahim in an interview with Daily trust was quoted as saying: “Wherever I go, the Corps members keep asking, This 19k (19,000), when will it go? But I keep explaining to them that it is tied to the minimum wage and a little fraction on the minimum wage”

    He went further to say: “I can assure you if you scrap NYSC, there is nothing to replace it. Mr. President recently said the NYSC, the military and the police remain the only institutions that unite the country”

    However, the military, police and other parastatals have been paid their arrears as directed by the Minister of finance Mrs. Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed.
    More so, even the President openly admits that we (NYSC) are an institution just like the military and police that aid in uniting the country. Funny enough, we are now told that we are not “civil servants”. Even the NYSC DG knows that the new minimum wage comes with arrears as seen above. In view of the foregoing, common knowledge demands that the minimum wage bill which was signed into law April of 2019 and which only took effect on the part of the NYSC on January of 2020,there is no gainsaying that arrears ought to be paid.

    On 10 of February 2020, Minister of labour and employment, Mr. Chris Ngige, was quoted as saying :”Nigerian youths should invest their time in creating jobs rather than depending on the government for jobs.” indirectly he was saying we (FG) have no jobs for the youths. The federal government ought to know that the payment of the arrears will go a long way in the lives of the youths and will be used as a start up capital which will aid in embarking on a Small scale business by the youths rather than depending on the government for jobs.

    We wholeheartedly appluad the Federal government over the increment of Corp members monthly allowance from N19,800 to N33,000. However we urge the Federal government to look into the issue of the payment of arrears.

    All we are after is justice. I call on all those who are for and against the payment of the arrears to reflect on the moving and powerful words of Martin Luther King Jr which says: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to juatice everywhere”

    God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria
    God bless All Nigeria Youths.
    COMR. Matthew Zakka

  12. In yet to understand why ex corpers should not be paid their arrears,corpses who are in the service when the increment was implemented and enacted so I don’t see reason they should not be paid..that is corruption and you so call leader are fighting against corruption.

  13. But we were given much jobs here and permanent teachers will cross their legs and talk all day, u will see a corp member teaching like 4 classes,a corp member teaches English, maths, biology and so on , that’s not fair at all

  14. It has been a trend in the history of human race and any government to pay arrears to her workers when neccassary. It happens in Nigeria during the time of umalu miss Ya-adua. If the federal government refuse to pay corp members arrears, them the federal government is practicing the very corruption it claim to be fighting

    • Bro am very sad wit d way u write d name of ur frmer head of state now how to respect, bhave like a graduate not other way

  15. Am yet to understand why corps members are not to be paid arrears. Sir you said because they are not civil servants… please we should first all of understand the meaning of a civil servant….A civil servant or public servant is a person so employed in the public sector employed for a government department or agency. With these understanding I believe corpers work for the government and I see no reason why they should not be paid there arrears.
    If military personnel should be paid arrears every corps member is also entitled to be paid
    Say no to injustice

  16. Of course corp. members are not civil servant, it’s true that their increments is captured in the 2020 budget we agreed. But the civil servant started receiving their own on December, and some federal agency were given arrears of that too is not captured in the 2019 budget because the bill was signed by the President on the 18th April 20119. So corp. and ex-corp should be paid

  17. Since we work for the federal government and receive salary in form of allowance,in the minimum wage bill was signed into law last April.Corps members are supposed to be the minimum wage from last April.Our allowance is increased but no arrears does it really make sense .Are we not in the salary scale or is it because we didn’t have a body to fight for us ? .what is good for the goose is also good for the gander.

  18. I don’t see any reason whatsoever why government will deny the corpers of their arrears most especially those who are in service when the minimum wages was implemented and been enacted by the President,either you are a civil servants or in youth service, service is service we are all serving our country Nigeria and we r all entitled to it benefits,we are suffering together in this nation, no graduate have been offered a job, and the preaching in this nation Nigeria is that everybody should be independent. go into business,be an entrepreneur, go into farming, we all are forcefully agreed but where is the capital to help our efforts.if this arrears is paid I personally, I’m not anxious to employed by the government but be an employer of labour, during my service year 2018 batch A. I tried to borrow loan from Bank of industry the one attached to the Nysc corps but to no avail. Now that we expecting our arrears to be paid. Our leader who was initially fighting for us turned out to be an obstacle….. Pay this little arrears so to make zero dependent on government job…. I am Aladinrin Francis babatunde.

  19. If Nigeria leaders have the youth at heart, then it would been their way of empowering corp member to get fund to start up business or something after serving their fathers land…

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