NYSC Exemption Certificate: How to Apply for it

Nysc certificate

NYSC Exemption Certificate is an official document issued by the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria. This certificate is granted to eligible individuals who are exempted from the mandatory one-year national service scheme conducted by the NYSC. This guide, will show you the step-by-step process of obtaining the National Youth Service Corps Exemption Certificate.

Before you continue reading this post, try to also read Can 31 Years Old Go for NYSC?. Hope you have gone through the post? Now, let continue with this article.

The exemption certificate serves as formal proof that the individual has met specific criteria for exemption, which may include factors such as age, health conditions, marriage, or studying abroad. The Certificate is also an important legal document often required during job applications, further education, or other situations where proof of NYSC participation is necessary.

How to Apply for NYSC Exemption Certificate

Here is the process of applying for the Exemption Certificate:

1. Verify if you meet the criteria for exemption, considering age, military service, or other qualifying factors.

2. Visit the NYSC online portal.

3. Confirm your eligibility on the senate approved list.

4. Complete online registration during the specified batch.

Note: NYSC assesses your eligibility during online registration to determine if you qualify for exemption.

Printing Exemption Slip

  •  If eligible, print the NYSC Exemption Slip from the redirected page during online registration.
  • Take the printed exemption slip to your educational institution.
  • Your institution verifies the document and makes corrections if needed.
  • The corrected document is signed and returned to NYSC for processing.
  • NYSC produces the Exemption Certificate based on the corrected information.
  • The certificate is sent to your institution for issuance.


  • Visit your educational institution to collect the NYSC Exemption Certificate.
  • For foreign-trained graduates, the process may involve additional steps, including evaluation by the Federal Ministry of Education and collection at the NYSC Directorate Headquarters in Abuja. Ensure compliance with NYSC guidelines and have all necessary documents for a smooth application process.

Is it called NYSC exemption letter or NYSC exemption certificate?

The correct terminology for the document issued to individuals exempted from the NYSC program is the NYSC Exemption Certificate. It is commonly referred to as the “exemption certificate” rather than the “exemption letter.”

Established in 1973 to foster national unity and integration, the NYSC scheme deploys fresh university and polytechnic graduates across different states for a year of service. Certain individuals are eligible for exemption, and they receive exemption certificates.

Eligibility for NYSC Exemption Certificate

The certificate serves as proof of exemption and is granted to:

1. Graduates above 30 at graduation.

2. Individuals with health conditions or disabilities.

3. Married female graduates to Nigerian citizens.

4. Graduates who studied abroad or in distant locations.

To obtain the certificate, eligible individuals must submit required documents for verification, including proof of age, marriage certificate, medical reports, or evidence of studying abroad.

List of Certificates NYSC Awards to Graduates

1. Certificate of exemption

2. Discharge certificate

3. Letter of exclusion

Requirements for Auto NYSC Exemption Certificate

Automatically qualify for exemption if:

  • Above 30 years before graduation.
  • Served in any armed forces of Nigeria for at least nine months.
  • A member of specified security organizations.
  • Conferred with any National honor.

General Notes

  • Collection is based on batches and registration date.
  • Collection requires identification, like an international passport, with the bearer physically present.


The NYSC exemption certificate is issued to individuals meeting specific criteria, serving as proof of exemption from the one-year national service scheme. It is a vital document in various contexts, emphasizing the individual’s eligibility for exemption and the process to obtain the certificate.


  1. I want to exempt my self from nysc. Because of my age. I did regularization and maintain the age above 30.i didn’t alterate
    But the age my school submitted is below 30 years. What should I do?

  2. I graduated from a foreign university and it took 1 year for my evaluation letter to be available, I was already deep in building my career and hence I kept on working. I’m way passed 30 now but was not 30 at time of graduation. How can I go about making a case for exemption.

  3. Good morning, is it possible not to go for service after deployment due to some reasons, is there any consequence for that. Is there another way to opt out.

  4. I have been given the exemption certificate but the dob on it is different from my actual dob what can I do?

  5. The date of birthday my school submitted to NYSC is different for the one in my Jamb regularization, I don’t know which one to use for registration may be the one my school submitted or the one on my Jamb.

  6. Somebody is above 32 years and do jamb regularization by reducing his age to 29 and short listed on the nysc Senate list and done his registration with a call up number. Now he want to be exempted from the NYSC service. What should he do

  7. If I am 30 years after graduation, can I still be call up for service, I don’t want to be exempted.

  8. I will write my final exam this month and i will be 30years by age in January, 2021. i dont want to run nysc service, please how can i go about it

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