12 Tips For A Successful Job Interview In Nigeria

To get your dream job, there is need to make adequate preparations so as to succeed by making every effort to win your interviewer. Make him/her understand that you are the right person for the job. Here we shall give you tips for a successful job interview in Nigeria. See job interview checklist.

Tips for a successful interview

12 Tips For A Successful Job Interview In Nigeria

Below are successful tips for a job interview to get that your dream job:

1. Make proper research about the organization.

An interviewer might ask you what you know about the organization you are seeking for employment.

If you are able to get this question correctly then it will give you an edge over all other candidates.

So, focused your research on the organization and also do a comparative studies on different other similar organizations.

2. Make your “area of strength” very clear and why you think you are the most qualified for the job

Make every effort to attend every interview with up to five area of strength which should be in your mind.

What you can do differently from others and when and where you have achieved such feat before.

For instance “I used my coordinating tactics and persuasive skills to secure a contract for my former company”, but try as much as possible to make it interesting.

3. Be emotionally alert

There is usually many candidate to be interviewed on that particular job, most interviewer usually implore different means to screen out candidates.

Then prepare yourself and be emotionally alert. Stylishly try to know your interviewer’s perception of you during the course of the interview.

4. Leave no stone unturned

Get ready for common interview questions and also for rare interview questions. Read many books relating to how to answer interview questions.

Try to anticipate on likely questions you might encounter and prepare your mind for the best answer to give. See how to dress for a interview.

5. Try to engage the interviewer.

Prepare some intelligent question that you would ask the interviewer. This questions should be centered on that particular establishment so as to show how informed you are about the company and how determined you are to be hired.

Try to avoid being unruly in your questions, make it an interesting interactive section. As productive questions in a polite manner and never you frown when you ain’t allowed to ask those question.

Most times those questions are not meant to be answered but it shows your awareness on the job.

6. Do thorough practice

Practice how to answer questions in a confident manner. Avoid every temptation of fear and stammering/fidgeting.

Be clear and bold enough to show physical competency,be vocal and pay keen attention to the questions.

Practice many times so you won’t forget. And if possible, practice in front of a mirror so as to reduce anxiety.

Never you practice in front of your examiner or fellow applicants. If possible, practice with your friends at home.

Then do thorough rehearsals before going for the interview. You can also practice with your friends on a round table and try and switch roles randomly. Record your answers so as to later listen to it and make room for improvement.

7. Do a five minutes score analysis of your progress so far

Most interviewer normally gives the verdict on an applicant in the first five minutes of the session, so endeavor to have a good start.

Then confirm your fate throughout the rest of the interview. Be energetic and enthusiast in the first five minutes of your interview and ensure you have give good answers with a lot of emotional strength.

Thank the interviewer(s) for the opportunity granted you to be interviewed.

Always start off with some positive remarks about the company for instance “It’s a privilege to attend an interview in this prestigious company.

I think your company is one of the best in manufacturing/servicing in the country, and I will be glad if offered an opportunity to contribute to the further success of the company.

8. Be on the same side with the interview

Most candidates see the interviewer as an enemy that needed to defeated(laughs).Try not see it as a battle field and remove overzealousness.

Use your intelligence to transform it into a conversation and further enhance it by showing the interviewer that you are on the same side with, let him see you as a partner.

You can even pose as if you are learning from him more about the company, tell him simply that you will be happy to be learning from him whether or not you are considered for the job. Express these wearing a  captivating smile.

9. Be affirm and take responsibility for the interview

An interview is just like any other interactive session. Try to be polite but don’t be found lacking initiatives.

It is an activities in which both of you does together, you may find out that you both are responding to each other.

Don’t wait for the interviewer to ask you about the great feat you achieved because he may never ask you,its your responsibility to make him tow that pact with you.

10. Get ready to handle unnecessary questions

Interview questions about your marital status, age, ethnic and family background, or even about your private life looks awkward and unnecessary and somehow considered unethical.

Just assume that you may be getting one of those. But if you get try as much as possible to answer it in a polite manner and be calculative while doing that.

For instance, an interviewer might ask how you will be able to combine your job and marital stress together as a lady?

You may simply answer him or her that “children are gift from the creator and a wonderful thing to behold but you value your carrier and don’t see it as being a hindrance to your career”.

11. Make your area of strength clear

Always make sure that your area of strength is clear and to the point so as to have a special effect in the course of the interview.

Don’t let frivolities to mask your area of strength and always illustrate it with examples.

12. Be positive

Be optimistic and avoid negative thinking during the interview. Don’t allow the interviewer to lower your morale because of your job history. Be in a good spirit.

Be tactical in answering some questions that has to do with your weakness and don’t allow him see that you feel less of yourself at any point in your career.

Be clear on why you quited your last job and try to convert those dark areas as strength.

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