10 things to do after recieving your NYSC Call-up letter

Nysc - what to do after recieving call-up letterThe NYSC Call-up letter is a document that every Prospective Corps Member (PCM) recieves few days after the closing of on-line registration, calling them for service. This post is about 10 things you should do after receiving the NYSC Call-up letter.

10 things to do after receiving NYSC Call-up letter

  1. Print It Out: The first thing to do after receiving your Call-up letter is login to your dashboard and print it out… SEE: How to print your NYSC Call-up letter
  2. Print The Original Copy Twice: Make sure you print out two original copies with colored ink (one for yourself), then make four(4) photocopies of it.
  3. Read Your Call-up Letter Carefully: We usually advise “Otondo” (New Corps Members) to read their Call-up letter for at least three(3) times. This is because they might not get the full info at 1st and 2nd readings. For example; NYSC might post you to Abia state and ask you to ‘Camp’ in Imo state. Don’t fellow your friends that are to camp in Abia, so, pay attention to state you are posted to and the address of your orientation camp.
  4. Arrange Your Documents: The basic documents that you need to arrange for registeration in the NYSC Orientation Camp are; Call-up letter, Green Card, School ID etc….SEE Full List
  5. Seal Your Documents: After arranging your documents, buy a water resistant file and put them in.
  6. Pack Few Stuffs: You don’t need to overload yourself, only go with basic things such as: Touchlight, mosquito net, whites shots, four(4) casual wears, cream, tooth brush, power bank, cash, ATM card, beverages, spoon, tooth paste, food flask. You can buy others from “Mami market”
  7. Search For Travelling Mates: Make sure you don’t alone. To meet travelling mates, like our facebook page. We do connect ‘Otondo’ to themselves.
  8. Be Safety Conscious: This is the most important thing, when going to camp, don’t just jump into any commercial bus, Many Corps members had have lost their lives due to road accident, robbery, ritual etc. But it is not your potion. 
  9. Be Happy: Even if you are posted to a state that you do not like. Be happy! Also, do not see NYSC as waste of time. Don’t let Nigerian economy decide your happiness. Don’t see NYSC as a waste of time, but see it as an opportunity to affect positive change in your country.
  10. Stay in touch with us: Do not forget all the help we have provided for you. Always stay in touch with NYSCinfo.com

Things You Should Never Do To Your NYSC Documents

  1. DO NOT laminate your NYSC Call-up letter and Green Card: It would be rejected if you do it. The Call-up letter and Green Card are never your own, the officials need to sign and file it. Tell me how they can sign on something that is laminated.
  2. Never forget any of your documents at home: It is better you forget yourself instead of forgetting any of the required documents, You don’t have to be in a hurry, make sure your documents are complete before you go to the NYSC orientation camp.
  3. Do not fold your documents: Never fold your documents, the best way to keep your documents is to put them in a waterproof file.
  4. DO NOT give anyone your documents to hold for you: No one should be trusted before you start complaining about your village people. Anyone that you cannot trust with your life, do not trust your documents in his hand.

6 thoughts on “10 things to do after recieving your NYSC Call-up letter”

  1. Munirat Abubakar

    Pls the date of my birth written on my bvn no is 28th August 1994 while all my documents are 27th August 1994 so what iam going to do pls?

  2. Pls the name written on my bvn is Ibrahim ayisat abiola while on my dashboard is Ibrahim ayishat abiola ,hope no problem

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