A Review Of Sparkle Digital Bank And How To Open Account

A popular innovation is digitized banking, which provides consumers with a banking ecosystem on their smartphones. In general, digital banks are beneficial since they are stress-free, frictionless, and easy to use. Sparkle is a leading digital bank in Nigeria. Here’s everything you need to know about this one-of-a-kind investment platform.

Sparkle: A Quick Overview

Sparkle is a type of online bank. It is, in essence, an app that offers digitized banking services. The platform aspires to unite a community of like-minded people in order to develop a digital marketplace that makes it simple and convenient to achieve business goals.

Since its inception in 2019, the privately-held digital infrastructure has provided banking services to individuals across Nigeria. Financial services, fintech, lifestyle, and digital transformation are all areas of expertise for the platform.

What kind of services does Sparkle provide?

Essentially, the digital bank provides a wide range of banking services to Nigerians. Among the services offered are:

1. SparklePay

SparklePay is a unique technique of sending and receiving money that uses a one-of-a-kind payment link. Essentially, this function allows you to build a one-of-a-kind link that specifies the amount you want to transfer. You can also include creative custom messages in your unique link. This makes your payment less formal and more enjoyable.

2. Sparkle Cards

Sparkle Cards are similar to traditional arm cards in appearance. These cards make it simple to make payments and keep track of your transactions. Sparkle cards are now available for purchase for other members of your company or team. This provides for smooth spending control in the business.

3. Sparkle Indy

Sparkle’s official AI, Indy, serves as your personal helper and advisor. The chatbot provides financial and lifestyle advice that is personalized to your individual requirements.

Indy basically walks you through the process of completing transactions, makes helpful recommendations, and answers any questions you might have regarding the software.

4. Sparkle Stash

Sparkle Stash is a tool that allows you to save money in a handy manner. You can choose to save any interest you earn or a particular percentage of your digital wallet’s funds. You can even join forces with another gang of Sparklers to save money.

5. Breakdown, Inventory, and Tabs

The breakdown tool provides you with a detailed analysis of your daily expenses. For business owners, Sparkle Inventory serves as an inventory manager. Essentially, the functionality allows business owners to create a personalized invoice for their goods. You can split bills with members of your team using the “Tabs” option.

6. Sparkle Payroll

This bulk payment function, as the name suggests, allows you to conveniently manage and pay all of your employees’ paychecks. When you need to pay your employees, simply use the Sparkle payroll option.

Customers that are devoted to the site are also rewarded with fantastic gifts. By actively using your Sparkle account for transactions, you can earn prizes.

How do I sign up for a Sparkle account?

Follow the steps below to create an account with Sparkle:

  • First, go to the Google Play Store or the App Store and download the Sparkle mobile app.
  • Create an account by filling out the registration form with your information.

Wait for the platform to verify your information after you’ve filled it in. You have successfully made an account once they do this.

To create a Sparkle account, what documents do I need?

Due to the fact that Sparkle is a digital bank, the documents required to start an account are comparable to those required to open a traditional bank account. The following items are required:

How do I sign up for a Sparkle account?

Follow the steps below to create an account with Sparkle:

  • First, go to the Google Play Store or the App Store and download the Sparkle mobile app.
  • Create an account by filling out the registration form with your information.

Wait for the platform to verify your information after you’ve filled it in. You have successfully made an account once they do this.

To create a Sparkle account, what documents do I need?

Due to the fact that Sparkle is a digital bank, the documents required to start an account are comparable to those required to open a traditional bank account. The following items are required:

  • A government-issued identification card
  • Your BVN
  • Your personal information like name, address, and phone number

Where can I get the Sparkle app?

Follow the steps below to download the platform’s mobile app:

  • On your Android device, go to the Google Play Store, and on your iOS device, go to the App Store.
  • Then, in the search bar, type “Sparkle.”
  • Install the app, register, and take advantage of its features.

How can I get in touch with Sparkle?

Sparkle can be reached in the following ways:

Email Address for collaboration support: info@sparkle.ng

Email Address for customer support: Support@sparkle.ng

You can also have a conversation with Indy. Indy is the platform’s user-friendly chatbot, and she can answer any of your inquiries and guide you through the app.


Sparkle is essentially a digital bank, according to the company’s website. Essentially, it lets you to access and use all of the features of a traditional bank from the comfort of your own home. Overall, the platform is one-of-a-kind, dependable, and simple to use.

Source: Nyscinfo

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