Before you begin to panic over any issue encountered during N-Power NASIMS registration or test, kindly go through this article on common NASIMS N-Power issues and solutions.
Below are some of the questions directed to Nysinfo.com solution/support page about the Job Creation and Empowerment Initiative of the Social Investment Programme of the Federal Government:
Problem: It keeps saying “Fill size exceed 200kb”.
Solution: Kindly resize your documents. Download any of the photo resizing app from Google PlayStore; example litphoto or any other image cropping app, then use the app to resize your documents before uploading.
Problem: I’ve forgotten or don’t know what my NASIMS ID is.
Solution: Login to your NASIMS dashboard and copy your N-power Registration number that starts with NPWR/2020/…See How to Get NASIMS ID for N-Power Batch C Test.
Problem: I’ve successfully changed my password, and BVN validated as well. But, I can’t update my records because the Dubmit button is not responding.
Solution: Ensure you have a strong network connection, as you keep trying.
Problem: I did not received the link after it said successfully sent.
Solution: Check your email Spam or Junk folder.
Problem: It says a link has been sent to my email but I have checked Spam folder and all but it is not there.
Solution: We ask that you remain patient as you keep checking, the delay could be caused by the network.
Problem: I sent an email to N-Power Support but it sent an error delivery message stating address not found. Please no link was sent to me.
Solution: The correct email address to send message is support.npower@nasims.gov.ng.
Problem: My BVN cannot be validated.
Solution: Ensure that you are entering the corresponding details with that of your BVN used during previous registration.
Problem: Hello, pls I am finding it difficult taking the test, it always say “please update your details from the self service portal”. Kindly help please and thank you.
Solution: Update your details on the NASIMS portal.
Problem: I try to reset my password but cannot proceed.
Solution: Kindly use the most recent link sent to you.
Problem: When clicking on the test link, it shows NASIMS ID, how can I get that?
Solution: This refers to your N-Power Volunteers Network (NPVN) number given upon registration. See how to get NASIMS ID
Problem: I applied for Npower last year (2020)… Is this supposed to be the selection process? I did apply for N-tech.
Solution: If you applied for N-power last year, you are required to visit NASIMS portal and update your profile.
Problem: The said email sent to my mail but not seeing anything.
Solution: Keep checking your email inbox and Spam folder as well.
Problem: Please my people I need more clearity, my husband and I registered last year since than nothing show whether we are qualify or not also must I first be part of beneficiary before moving to the next step?
Solution: No, if you applied last year, you are required to visit the NASIMS portal to update your record.
For those that are unable to take the test …… Please go back to your test now and mind you when putting the N-Power details e.g (NPWR/2020/073364213), please don’t end it with dot (.) because it will always displays error. So, kindly remove the dot and proceed. If you are doing the copy and paste remove the dot but you can use dot or anything you feel like in your password. But don’t mistakenly copy the dot when writing the NPWR/2020.
i try to update my email but. the problem is said account not found
Please I tried to update password, itd saying something went wrong. What do I do and yes I’m sure of the email I’m using
Please mistake was made on my name name when registrations the name on my BVN was different form the one written on N power because of the it couldn’t Verify my BVN for update of Account number
What can I do to solve this problem
Pls my password reset is successful but can not validate my bvn. Always shown BVN validation failed or error, transaction failed, try again later. I need help, I need solution possess….. Or can take the test without validating my BVN?
same here
Can i use my android phone to apply for NASIMS Update, same as N-power Batch C Applicatioon?
Yes, you can do it on your android phone. When you reach the stage where you update and add your Certificates you need to have them on your phone also to be able to add them on the the portal and each should be 200KB at most. The only issue now is we are unable to submit and update our account on the portal as the submit button is not working. We moove and keep trying until it works. Things don’t work out easily in Nigeria, you know…lol
I thought I was the only one facing this issue of submit button not responding …. we will keep trying.. we mueeve
Still unable to write the test.. What’s wrong? The test portal isn’t going through
Pls there was mistake on my email address and I have being shortlisted how do I correct the email so I can partake in the test. The is uchennaclifford4@gmail.com
Showing account not found.
I lost my simcard and i cant access my gmail, how can i get link? Pls help
Please I couldn’t not edit my profile even after validating my bvn
My email is not recognized, I have been trying to login but to no avail
since on friday have been trying to take my test the page is not opening till now have tried constantly but on system and on fone, pls
My time for the test was less than ten minutes what do I do.
Please kindly help,I have done everything but I can not validate my bvn.it keeps showing bvn validation fail several times.please what should I do?
Unable to take test. The test site not going through. Refused to open
Please let the gender button be enabled, I can’t go ahead with my update because of that.
Have updated my data but the test has refused to open after series of attempt on my phone and laptop
Gracious evening to everyone here.
During the course of registration last year, error was made in writing date of birth and initial name was equally omitted. Please what can I do?
I was trying to update my NPOWER account but my email address was not found. Solution pls
I can’t able to upload my bvn on my dashboard pls any solution to it
Please I’m trying to take a test and it says Validation for NPWR/2020/003112654 failed.
What could that mean?
Unable to take test. The test site not going through. Refused to open
please i did the test wanted to restart, on doing so they block my account what can i do
Have been finding it difficult to validate my bvn. What could be the problem?