How to Defer your NYSC Posting to Future Date

How to defer your NYSC

One thing or another may make you seek ways to defer your National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) posting. Kindly note that deferring NYSC posting means postponing your posting to a future date. However, according to the NYSC laws, anyone who misses service is liable, and upon conviction, may face a fine of N2,000, a 12-month imprisonment, or both.

However, realizing that we live in a world of uncertainty, NYSC has granted everyone a second chance to participate in the National Youth Service Corps program. Therefore, you can defer your service, but only once. Please refrain from abusing this privilege.

NYSC official statement on deferment of service

Below is the official statement from NYSC Directorate;


The National Youth Service Corps Management has observed with concern that some eligible Nigerian graduates who were duly mobilized and deployed for National Service have willfully refused, neglected and did not report or make themselves available for service in a manner directed by the Directorate under Section 2(1) of the National Youth Service Corps Act, Cap. N84, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

All those that are qualified and have been mobilized and deployed for National Service as stated above but did not report have evaded service. It is a criminal offence punishable under Section 13(1)(a) of the NYSC Act as follows:

“Any person;

(a) who does not report for service in the service corps in the manner directed by the Directorate, or as the case may be, prescribed under this Act;

such person is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N2,000 or to imprisonment for a term of 12 months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

“However, Management has considered giving a second chance to all the defaulters.

“For the avoidance of doubt, Management of the NYSC has put every necessary machinery in place to track and prosecute any person involved in the illegal evasion of National Service.



As you can see from the above statement, there is another chance for those deferred their NYSC posting. Now, let’s show you how to defer your NYSC.

How to defer your NYSC service year

If you have completed the NYSC online registration and have been deployed to your assigned service location, you can defer your posting by simply ignoring the posting. By not going to the camp, you are deferring your service (no official form needs to be filled out). When you are ready to go for service in any batch, all you need is ‘revalidation‘.

Please note that you are only allowed to defer your service once. Deferring it multiple times may result in penalties, as mentioned above.

Additionally, if your name appears on the NYSC Senate list, you can defer NYSC by choosing not to register until you are ready to serve. As long as your name is on the Senate list, you can register for any batch or year.

If you have any questions, please use the comment section below.

Source: Nyscinfo


  1. Hello, please if someone wants to defer nysc after registration till the next two or more year when that person is ready. Is there any penalty for that? Penalty for ignoring it that very long before revalidation?

  2. Hello, please I was deployed with Batch B2 for Nysc 2023

    I’m currently in my 6th month and I want to defer the service/posting till a later date.

    please can this be done?

  3. Please if I registered for NYSC and my notification of result is not ready up to the camp time what will happen to my registration?

    • Hello!
      My name is Steve. I registered with the 2022 batch A stream 1. But I don’t think I will be going with that stream but with the next stream 2 of the same batch A. Do I still need to do revalidation?

  4. Pls sir,which is the best way to go abt deferring NYSC? Not to register for Batch A where ur name s bn listed? Or Register and Revalidate later wen u are ready?

  5. Pls i revalidated my mobilization early this year but am not ready for it now. Can i revalidate it again next year?

  6. Hello.

    I submitted my name in school for NYSC mobilization last year December and my name is now on the Senate List, but I haven’t made any attempt to register since I decided to serve next year. But a friend told me I will be banned if I ignore NYSC three times… Is that true?

    • You will not be banned but they will remove your name from the senate list. If that happens, you can approach your institution for fresh mobilization.

  7. I was mobilized and was deployed with batch A stream 1 , and I wanna follow stream 2. What Will I do

  8. I was mobilized with batch A stream 1 and I was posted to zamfara I couldn’t make it and I want to go with batch A stream 2 what should I do

  9. plz Sir, my name is on the senate list for batch A, but i want to go for bATCH B, hope i wont have a problem with dat???

  10. I’ve just been posted to a northern state i never wish to be. I don’t even want to go there talk more of working my re-deployment. So please what is my BEST MOVE?

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