JAMB UTME is one of the toughest examination a student will come across in his/her lifetime. The exam has an atom of fear that it imposes on students, especially those that doesn’t believe in themselves but on external assistance. Here we will show you how to pass JAMB exam in 2021 without cheating.
JAMB UTME is a qualifying examination into any Nigerian university. So scoring high is the major aim of anyone sitting for the examination, in order not to repeat it the coming year. Check out: JAMB 2021 Exam Date, Registration and News Update .
All institutions have their cut off marks, of which if your score is less than the required mark, you can never be admitted into your preferred institution.
Some university can still admit you if your Jamb score is closer to the required cut off mark, but rather offer you a different course to study.
How to Pass JAMB in 2021 without Cheating
Below are tips to guide anyone sitting for the 2021 JAMB UTME;
1. Study JAMB Past Questions
It is very vital to source for previous questions the examination body has set, as they sometimes repeat question(s) or set something similar in their consecutive exams. This alone, can make a prospective jambite be acquitted to what he/she will come across in the examination.
There is no doubt that several jamb past questions will be repeated in the coming 2021 examination, hence it is advisable that those who are about to sit for the examination start studying their past questions, and benefit a good score at the end without any form of cheating.
2. Believe in God
All religion believes that there is a supernatural being somewhere who created and fend for them. This very incomparable being is expected to bring goodwill to mankind, especially those that seek him first in all their endeavors. Who are we talking about here? God, yes!. We are talking about God.
Prayers rendered to God for success is very paramount, and should never be overlooked, as he is always there to answer our plea at all times. Therefore, it is good to pray for examination success before starting, and ending the paper.
3. Acquire Computer knowledge before the CBT Test
Majority of those who register for JAMB have little or no idea about computer. Such group of persons are called computer illiterate, as they need intensive lectures to familiarize with the computer.
These set of persons need to start from the basic tutorials, and must do so to avoid assistance (cheating) during the main jamb examination. After acquiring the basic knowledge of computer, it is also expected to practice the CBT test online, as there are several applications both on system, and phone that can help for this purpose.
This will enable the individual face the examination exercise boldly, without having the thought of cheating to scale through, or score high.
4. Ensure you are healthy
Having a healthy status while preparing for an examination like jamb is very important, as it boost moral and learning speed. You barely comprehend what you are studying if you aren’t okay physically, mentally and otherwise.
Therefore, if you are experiencing any form of illness, you should attend to it so has to increase your learning pace without being weighed down.
5. Plan Ahead
Planning ahead is an incomparable tip, especially when it comes to achieving examination success. There is a saying, i quote “Failure to plan has made you plan to fail”.
Consequently, it is necessary to plan about how to do well in 2021 JAMB examination, by;
- Set a reading timetable.
- Give yourself a target.
- Have an alternative choice of school, if possible a polytechnic in mind should in case you score below your target score.
If these are put in place in your plans, there is great possibility that you will do far better than you thought without indulging in cheating.
6. Study with other prospective Jambites
Sometimes, candidates of jamb do have relatives and friends that also register for the examination.
It will be of great advantage if they come together to study, and question themselves on likely questions to expect.
Most at times, some attend extra moral classes meant for only jamb aspirants, thereby making friends with study mates.
7. Self Confidence
Failure can come as a result of lacking self-confidence. Hence, it is better to remove all traces of fear from your mind, and believe you can score high without external assistance.
We believe once these tips are put into play, there won’t be need for cheating to pass Jamb UTME with flying colors. JAMB candidates have followed these tips in the past and came out with success, so what makes you think yours will be different?
Cheating is a crime known as “examination malpractice”, you can do without cheating.
JAMB Registration Requirements For 2021/2022 UTME
How to Upload O’level (WAEC/NECO) Awaiting Results On JAMB Portal