School Bus Shuttle Business in Nigeria – how to start it

One of the lucrative businesses in Nigeria is the business of transportation. While it is not quite an easy one to venture into, if you understand it and follow it with passion, you will definitely make a good fortune from it. Here we will look at how to start school bus shuttle business in Nigeria.

School Bus Shuttle BusinessThere are many schools around you that need the services of school bus shuttle to conveniently convey their students from schools to their homes. Interestingly, there are also parents who need the same service to privately take their kids to schools. If you are contemplating on what business you can do, perhaps because you own a vehicle or you are planning to get one for commercial purpose, we are sure your question now is about how you can begin. In this article, we have noted some of the essential and important tips that you must know before launching into the business of school bus shuttle in Nigeria.

How to start school bus shuttle in Nigeria

1. Design a good business plan

In all professional businesses, a business plan is always considered being the brainchild of an enterprise or venture. If you are asking why, the reason is simple – business plan gives a direction in which the business should go and what the needed budget should be. It highlights the target audience or the ideal clients. You can always refer to it if you get stuck at any stage. It basically contains everything you want to do to make the business a success.

2. Buy a vehicle

Having drafted your business plan, your next line of action will be to purchase to vehicle that will be used for the shuttle business. This will require you to buy the type the will meet the standard of the schools which you have target. You must consider the numbers of the students that you are likely to convey per trip and then make your choice of vehicle based on that.

3. Choose a vehicle type

It is important to inquire from automobile mechanics to find out the type of vehicle that will not give you problems. For instance, you need to go for one that its spare parts cost less and are easily accessible. This will enable you to maintain it very well to avoid disappointing your customers.

4. Get necessary licensing

To operate freely and as an enterprise, you need to get an operational licence or permit from your local government.

5. Advertise your business

You can advertise your business by printing and sharing flyers to people around the area where your business is located. Also, you can do vehicle advertising and internet advertising. This will help draw a lot of attention to your business.

6. Passengers Safety

No parent will hand over their child to you when you can’t guarantee their safety. Once you begin, ensure that your safety standards are as high as they can be. In fact, make sure you go the extra mile to satisfy every client you get. That way, the people who have known you already will testify to how safety conscious you are.

Source: Nyscinfo

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