How to Write an Internship Cover Letter (Template)

You barely see a firm that takes intern without requesting for a cover letter, and other necessary documents. Here you will learn how to write an internship cover letter.

How to Write an Internship Cover Letter

A cover letter is a document that convey your professional status to a recruiter. It is expected that you sell yourself to the best of your knowledge to the employer, by unveiling how important you will be to the firm when taken. Also check out: How to write a good Job Application Letter (with samples) .

Applying for internship, however, denote that you lack major experience but willing to build yourself in the field. Therefore, the content of the letter should go in line with the job requirements.

Guide on how to write an Internship Cover letter

A catchy cover letter should portray;

  • Splendid introduction.
  • Important information on previous work done and possible problems solved.
  • Captivating conclusion.

Types of Cover Letter

The major types of cover letter are;

  • Application cover letter.
  • Prospecting cover letter.
  • Networking cover letter.

All of these letters have their special usage and should not be mistaken for each other. See How to Write Good Cover Letter For Employment.

Tips for an Enticing Internship Cover Letter

It is paramount to know the best way to draft an Internship letter which will qualify the applicant for an invitation, and makes yours stand out compare to others.

Ensure you observe the following tips which includes;

  1. While making your introduction, ensure you write about your interest in the said job, and what you can offer.

  2. Make your skills and qualifications known to the recruiter. Especially those experiences of yours, that relate with the role you are applying for.

  3. Unveil the knowledge you have about the firm you wish to do your internship, and how you can assist in some of their current, or upcoming projects.

  4. Briefly write on your discipline, stating whether still in school or done with school.

  5. Inform the employer how you intend building your career under that role, you are applying for.

  6. Show your passion in the role applying for.

  7. At the point of conclusion, give reasons why you choose that very role and the firm you are seeking the job from. You can also check out the difference between Application Letter and Cover Letter.

Pattern of a Cover Letter

The pattern at which internship cover letter should follow are elucidated here, to serve as a guide to those that which to write theirs;


The first line is known as the opening paragraph, and the writer is expected to write on how the information about the job came to his/her notice, qualifications obtained, and purpose of applying.


On this line, the writer should focus on unveiling the skills, experiences, abilities, and knowledge achieved so far. This will help sell yourself more to the recruiter, as those attributes will give you an edge in securing the job.


Much is expected in this line, as you will be explaining how you can bring about positivity when given the role. In a situation whereby you have limited knowledge about the firm, you are required to make genuine findings and use the findings to elucidate the roles you can suit in, and assist them wholly to meet their goals. No recruiter will see a potential intern that can be of benefit to his/her firm and reject the application.


The fourth line of an internship cover letter is the conclusive part, and it should entail the writers’ passion for the role applying for.

Internship Cover letter Sample

Samples of well written cover letters are given below:

How to Write an Internship Cover Letter (Template)

Below are links through which you can download sample of internship cover letter for different job fields;

  • Finance/Accounting/Audit Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Human Resources Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Medical/Healthcare Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Project Management Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Sales/Marketing Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Her to download.
  • ICT Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Media/Advertising/ Branding Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Law/Legal Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Engineering/Technical Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Customer Care Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.
  • Administrative/ Secretarial Internship Cover Letter Sample – Click Here to download.

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