New Npower Salary Structure – Latest News on Monthly Stipends

Npower Salary Structure

Latest news on N-Power salary – Although the amounts paid to N-power beneficiaries vary, depending on the category of the programs they are working under, the current average monthly salary for Npower beneficiaries is ₦30,000; for those who joined the program with a University Degree or HND.This data is collated by 100 N-Power exited Batch A, B and C volunteers.

In this article, we shall look at the breakdowns of the Npower salary for N-Teach, N-Health, N-Agro, N-Build, N-Tech and N-Creative volunteers. Npower Fingerprint Enrollment for Batch C Applicants.

If you are or interested to be an Npower beneficiary, carefully read this post till the end to know how much Npower pays volunteers.

Npower Salary Structure

A lot of people usually ask questions like, how much does N-Power pay beneficiaries? Below are the breakdowns of the Npower beneficiaries’ salary:

N-power Teach Salary

Beneficiaries of this program earn between N28,000 and N30,000 monthly.

N-power Agro Salary

They are paid from N25,000 – N30,000 per month.

N-power Community Education Salary

Their take homr is from N10,000 – N30,000 monthly.

N-power Creative Salary

Thry are paid between N10,000 and N30,000 per month.

N-power Tech (software) Salary

Those in this category are being paid N20,000 – N40,000 per month.

N-power Tech (hardware) Salary

This category of N-power take home between N20,000 and N40,000 monthly.

N-power Build Salary

Every month, their take home salary is between N27,000 and N30,000.

Kindly note that SSCE holders, Primary Certificate holders, and all those with no Certificate receive the sum of N10,000 as their Npower monthly stipend.

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  1. How many year the n power will come to an end the payment will last of like how year

  2. Is it true that nasarawa state indigen npower batch c applicant are ask to upload their indigene certificate via nasarawa social investment program?

  3. What happened to N-power health, I didn’t see there salary structure, are they not included? Thank you.

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