NYSC Registration Requirements for Married Women

Nysc requirements for married women

Did you know that NYSC allows married female corps members to serve where their husbands live? It’s called ‘concessional deployment.’ In this article, we’ll outline the requirements for married women to serve in the same location as their husbands.

If you are married and want to go for the National Youth Service Corps Program, you can be posted to the same Local Govt or community where your husband work or live. NYSC put this in place to avoid separating homes. Keep reading as we provide all the information you need about NYSC posting and registration requirements for married Corpers.

This article will also address all questions concerning NYSC registration for married women. Unfortunately, for married men, there is no special provision at the moment. Let’s hope NYSC considers them in the future.

Gratitude is extended to the NYSC management for giving married women the opportunity to serve where their husbands live. We also use this opportunity to request NYSC to consider married men as well.

NYSC concessional deployment

The act of NYSC posting a married woman to where her husband stays is called “concessional deployment.” Take note of that. Concessional deployment allows you, as a married woman, to serve in the same state, city, local govt, or even town where your husband resides.

Please not that adherence to the requirements for concessional deployment is important; otherwise, NYSC will post you as a single.

Things that could prevent NYSC from posting as married women

1. Failure to indicate your marital status as ‘married’ during online registration.

2. Selecting ‘Miss’ instead of ‘Mrs’ as your title during online registration.

3. Incomplete marriage documents to prove that you are married.

4. Uploading the wrong document, such as your husband’s ID in place of the marriage certificate, or unclear documents. Use a good scanner device.

Before proceeding, check your name on the NYSC Senate List, as it’s a basic requirement. Also, confirm your name on the JAMB matriculation list.

NYSC Registration requirements for married women

Below are the requirements for concessional deployment of married women:

  • Evidence of a marriage certificate.
  • Evidence of state of residence of husband/domicile letter.
  • Evidence of change of name or newspaper publication showing you have changed your name.
  • Husband’s ID card i.e. husband’s driving license, national ID card, voter’s card, or international passport.
  • Letter from employer or utility bills.
  • Wedding pictures.

All documents stated above are to be uploaded where applicable on the NYSC portal during online registration. Once confirmed to be genuine by the NYSC management, you will surely be posted to where your husband resides.

Note: Only legally married women are entitled to concessional deployment. If NYSC mistakenly posts you far from your husband’s residence, there is another opportunity given in the Orientation camp to apply for redeployment based on marital grounds.

Facts about Pregnant women and Nursing mothers in NYSC Camp

  • They will not be allowed to lodge in the NYSC camp.
  • No accommodation for them as the camp is not ideal for pregnant women or nursing mothers.
  • They will lodge off-camp and go for registration and documents in camp.
  • After registration and documentation, they will stay off-camp until the camp closing date.
  • On the closing day, they should report to camp to collect their posting letters to their Place of Primary Assignment (PPA).

Presenting fake documents in the NYSC camp can lead to decamping or prosecution. Be cautious.

Staying with a man after paying your dowry is not the same as being legally married. However, if you can produce all the documents below, then you are good to go.


  1. Thanks for the write up sir,please I got married before going to school all my certificate as far as school is concerned bears my Hubby’s name I have my wedding cert but my wedding pictures got damaged by water my question is do I still have to go to court for change of name? Will I not be granted concessional deployment because of the picture, thanks as I awaits your response God bless you Sir

  2. Good afternoon.
    Thanks for your write up ..
    Pls as at last year (2019) when I did my registration,I was single and preparing for my wedding so I couldn’t go to camp and I registered as SINGLE.
    My question now is, now that I need to revalidate, do I need to indicate that I’m married and also upload my husband’s details online? Please?

  3. Hello sir I got married in December2018,and just registered for nysc as a married woman,I used the necessity/necessary documents when registering,but couldn’t get letter of domicile yet,so I used my husband appointment letter and it was acccepted,my question is during the registration the four state of deployment I saw wasn’t among where we live (Lagos) I had to choose oyo enugu,kaduna&kogi my question is what state will I be deployed to?

  4. Hello, pls I registered for Nysc this month as a married woman and I uploaded everything but my surname s still showing on my dashboard instead of my husband’s surname. Also my concessional deployment is still showing pending but on my green card my tittle s showing MRS and married as well. So want to knw if I can still be posted to where my husband stays for orientation camp and ppa?

  5. I have already registered for batch C 2019 but the feedback on my dashboard points that I will be going with the next stream and my wedding is coming up on the 7th of December.

    How can I defer mine?

  6. As a married woman will I be asked to go back home,a friend of mine said she was not admitted in camp cuz she is married (not pregnant) but she is still serving

  7. Please till now our school have not submitted there senate list what can i do interns of registration.

  8. Can someone be redeploy based on where she works ie if she tender a letter from her company? and as a single mother who those not have any one to take care of her child?

    • The answer is a capital ‘NO’.
      NYSC can only deploy or redeployment you base on;
      1. Medical ground (sick persons only),
      2. Marriage ground (for genuinely married women only)
      3. Security ground (boko haram, herdsmen)

  9. Hello,
    as a married woman, where will my camp be?
    will it be in my husband state of residence or a different state. thanks

  10. Please i did not register as a married woman online because then I was not legally married. But now am legally married and also pregnant. Should I do the same thing as the pregnant women

    • Since you did not register as married woman. Go to camp with marriage evidence, and apply for redeployment base on marital ground. NYSC will surely redeploy you to where your husband reside.

  11. For married women who are neither pregnant nor nursing a child, must they lodge in the NYSC camp? Are they permitted to lodge off-camp(i.e come from their various homes for the registration and report to the camp on the closing day to collect their posting letters)if they choose to?

  12. We use prepaid, is there no other thing to replace utility bill, must I upload utility bill?

    • That is not a problem, visit any utility provider and request a bill transfer. Then, provide the company with proof of your identity, such as your driving license, National ID and proof of your billing address, such as your lease (tenant) agreement.

  13. Hello! Thanks for the write up once again! Please what type of marriage certificate is acceptable by NYSC? The one I have was issued by a religious body. Can that be used as a married woman for concessional posting? Thanks!

  14. Thanks for the great write up. My husband has just been transfered to another state, after I had been posted to the state where he was initially working and residing in. Is it possible for me to still redeploy to the new state he has just been transfered to?? Thanks!

    • You can apply for redeployment on marital ground. Make sure you get domicile letter, utility bill from the current state your husband resides. To apply, go to the NYSC state secretariat where you are serving or apply online.

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