Secrets of Passing Npower Test: What you must know

Do you want to pass the upcoming Npower aptitude test? Of course your answer is ‘yes’. In this article, we will reveal the secrets of passing Npower test – including the common mistakes you should avoid during the exam/test.

All that is is require to pass Npower aptitude test smartness. The Npower aptitude test is very easy to fail, and also very easy to pass. See how to successful apply for Npower.

What determines whether you will fail or pass is the kind of information and tutorial you have received before the aptitude test. That includes knowing the secrets to apply and the mistakes to avoid.

From a lot of experience we have gathered in the Npower CBT test centres, we’ve compiled top secrets of passing npower test, and mistakes you should avoid during the test.

So, we will give you some tips to help you pass the upcoming Npower aptitude test.

Secrets of Passing Npower Test

Below are top secret of passing Npower test;

1. Start now to study for Npower test. Don’t wait for the exam date to come close.

2. Study the Npower Past questions and Answers. This will give you mental picture of what Npower test look like.

3. Make sure you write the test on a computer, and not mobile phones or tablets. This is due to the storage capacity of Npower online test portal.

The portal is not friendly with phones, so if you use phones or tablets, there are chances your answers will not get to Npower database, even if it says ‘successfully submitted’.

4. Write the Npower test with your own computer (PC), but if you must write it in a ‘Cyber cafe’, make sure you do the following:

(a.) Clear the browser’s catche and cookies before you start.

(b.) Reboot the computer to clear the public internet crumbs.

Unfortunately, most cyber cafe attendants may not be willing to do all this for you, that is why it is advisable to write the Npower test on your own computer.

5. Use Google Chrome or Firefox browser to write your Npower test. Other browsers may not work properly or crash at a point.

6. Skip questions you do not know their answers, and after you can come back for them; if you still have time.

7. Since there is no exam supervisors, you can use ‘Google search’, but that should be after you have answered all questions you know, and nothing more to do with your remaining time. Do not attempt to use Google search first because you may end up answering only two questions before your time expires.

Mistakes to avoid during Npower online exam

Knowing what to avoid and what not to avoid during Npower aptitude test is another way to success. Below are what to avoid:

1) Avoid writing Npower test during the day. Try to write it at night when the portal traffic is low. But if you don’t have your own computer to write the exam at night, you can visit a cyber cafe very early in the morning to write the exam.

2) Reduce the number of time you use the ‘backward button’ on the Npower exam portal when you are writing your exam. During previous exam, we noticed that it causes network bridge, and may automatically submit your test.

3) Do NOT use your ‘Browser backward’ arrow to go back to the previous page during Npower test. Please, avoid it totally, or that will be the end of your exam.

Only use the backward arrow on the test page if you wish to go back to the previous page. But like we said, you need to minimise the number of time you do that.

4) DO NOT use the following browsers for Npower test: Opera-mini, Internet Explorer, UC browser. Only use Chrome or Firefox but if you must use Internet explorer ensure it is the latest version.

The above guides and tips are brought to you by, use it for your own benefit. Please, do not forget to share this post on social media. CIick here to join Npower telegram group chat.

6 thoughts on “Secrets of Passing Npower Test: What you must know”

  1. Talking about the Firefox is it with my phone, and if am among the people selected for the test should i write immediately or to my own convinent time which one, is their know other way to write with phone.pls I need your respond.

  2. Balogun ganiyu oseni

    Hope the government will not do it based on politics because everything in nigeria is politics.

  3. Pls can a person that don’t have Nysc certificate e,g exemption, can they apply for this enpower

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