Don’t Re Take N-power Test If You Have Seen Your Score

Npower News Updates

Npower applicant who have taken the N-Power NASIMS assessment test, should on no account retake the test even if the portal is asking them to ‘take test’ when logged in to their dashboard.

Kindly be informed that you are not to take another test after getting score. If you are shortlisted, you will be informed via email.

Note: You can only retake the test if you did not submit the previous one you took or if you did not receive score.

Once you have seen your score, you shouldn’t retake test anymore. And for you to see your score you must have clicked on Submit button. So, you can even take the test three times provided you didn’t click submit.

For those that want to retake the test because they scored low, you shouldn’t retake the test.

Npower assessment test grade points

So, any applicant that scores from 40% and above should pray hard to be selected base on merit. Check out Npower Cut Off Mark .

See how to check your Npower Deployment Status On NASIMS Portal.


  1. Pls I did the test and I got 50% and later I click on view result to recheck my score it is 45% that is there pls help me

  2. I retake the npower test for three times, and I was blocked, pls what should I do NPWR/2020/004435073.

  3. Since I applied for npower program,I have been receiving any emails, messages, directives,or an update on the development of the program till date. thanks

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