Npower deployment is the posting of beneficiaries of the scheme to their place of primary assignment (PPA). All those who applied for N-Power Batch ‘C’ programme you can now check if they have been successfully deployed to their PPA via NASIMS Portal. Here we will guide you on how to check your Npower deployment status for Batch C 2021. Also check the Npower new salary dtructure for Batch C beneficiaries.
To know how to check your N-power posting or deployment status, keep reading as we show the procedures on how it can easily be done.
Just before we show you how to check your Npower posting online, click here to check the Npower cut off mark for batch c. =>Join N-POWER Group Chat.
If you have successfully completed the Npower online aptitude test on NASIMS portal, then the next is Npower e-Screening.
How to Check Npower Deployment Status for Batch C
Kindly follow the guideline below to check your Npower posting;
- Visit, the Npower deployment portal at www.nasims.gov.ng.
Login to your dashboard with your registered Password and Email Address.
Click on ‘Deployment’ button at the top side of your NASIMS profile.
Once clicked on the deployment button, your N-power deployment status will display.
If deployed, you will get a response like;
Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have been deployed as N-power Batch C Beneficiary.
But if you have not been deployed, you will see.
“Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have not been deployed yet.
“You have not being deployed yet. Please check back for the deployment information after deployment date has been set.”
Npower Deployment Date for Batch C
If you have not been deployed, do not panic as the deployment date for Batch C has not been set at time of this publication. Deployment date will be announced when the e-screening portal is closed.
Note: only applicants who meet the Npower Batch C test cutoff mark and other requirements will be considered for deployment.
Have question? Go to the comment section below.
I have uploaded my PPA because is showing Date of birth does not match with bvn but I have been deployed what will I do now?
PLEASE RIDE-ON THE GOOD WORK…more oil to your engine and God bless u all.
Please I have not gotten my congratulations message, I need it please
Please people who score 40% should be considered, taking Npower test was not an easy tasks, it required endurance and persistent so we should be considered, personal I scored 40% but it was not easy, I write the test only once I did not try second trail because i was scared of network. Pls have Mercy on me and others.
I can’t login to my account , it says account was not fun
Please when is the closing date for the Npower test
N Power Nasims
I Need To Upgrate My N Power
pls my Npower account was blocked how do i unblock it
Good Day please I to no if someone’s mistake is email address, can the email be corrected?
Sir my question is that iam oready register but I write the test but I score 45 they have any problems since I failed the test