How to Fund MTN MoMo Agent Account in Nigeria

How to Fund Mobile Money (MoMo) Agent Account in Nigeria

Funding the MoMo agent account is very easy to do if you know how to go about it. Here we will show you how to fund MTN MOMO agent account in Nigeria.

How to Fund Mobile Money (MoMo) Agent Account in Nigeria

MTN Nigeria introduced the Mobile Money (MoMo) account to enable interested users become agents, and make a living by rendering services like sales of airtime, subscription service, and payment of bills.

For an agent of Mobile Money to carryout financial dealings, there must be available funds in his/her MoMo account. And that is strictly what this post stand to divulge.

Procedure On How To Fund Your Account
There are several platforms that can be used to fund the Mobile Money agent account, these include Mobile banking applications, through different agents of the platform, MTN office/shops, online e-wallet, etc.

The most common method used in funding the agents’ account successfully, is via Mobile banking application.

How to fund MTN MoMo agent account in Nigeria

  1. Locate you Banking App on your cell phone.

  2. Sign in using your details.

  3. Locate the ‘transfer icon’ in the app, and click on it.

  4. Select the account that will be debited (if you have multiple accounts with the bank).

  5. Different options like “Same bank” and “Other banks” will pop up. Select
    “Other banks”.

  6. Choose receiver’s bank name as “Access Yello and Beta”. (It will be seen among the various banks that will display).

  7. Enter your MoMo agent account number (This is typically your number with the exemption of the primary zero i.e 7062446414).

  8. Ensure you see your name as the receiver’s name before inputting the transfer amount.

  9. Click on Proceed.

  10. Input your mobile application pin, then click on “Send”.

  11. Once Successful, you will be debited and your agent account will be funded with the exact sum transferred.

Note: All banks app have completely different design, and software builds, the most important thing is to locate Transfer, and send to Access Yello and Beta using the ten (10) digits of your phone number as your account number, after excluding the first zero.

How to confirm if your mobile money (MoMo) account has been funded

After a successful transfer from your bank mobile application, you can check if the money has reflected by doing the following;

  • Dial the code *502# with the line used in registering the Mobile Money agent account.
  • Select 5 which is “Bal/Commission” from the options that will pop up.
  • Confirm the process by inputting your four digit pin.

After doing this, your balance will be displayed on your phone screen, likewise your commission accumulated so far as an associate agent.

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  1. MTN MoMo Agent….

    Does it Approved of Any Phone Number you might Choose, Rather than the very phone number Register with the Account Holder’s Name?

    Awaits your response


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