How To Upgrade Your Poor N-Power Test Score

This post was created to assist N-power applicants, especially those currently writing the online assessment test and those about to write. Here we will guide you on how to upgrade your N-power test score if your performance is low or poor.

How To Upgrade Your Poor N-Power Test ScoreMany N-Power applicants have complained to us about their low performance in the assessment test, which could have been averted. There are some that got 30%, 20%, 10%, or even 0%. Check out N-Power test cutoff mark.

Do you know that this could have been averted if they had read this post before taking the test.

Kindly note that 3 attempts are made available for every N-power applicant to take test on NASIMS portal. This means, they are entitled to take the test for three times, provided they did not submit. Sadly, many applicants don’t know about the 3 attempts.

How to upgrade N-Power test score if your performance is low

To upgrade your Npower test score you ought to be smart, and it can only be possible when you did not submit the test after writing it. So, if you’re writing the test for the first time, do not submit it if you think your selected answers would not fetch you a high mark. There are still two attempts left for you, and they usually come with simpler questions. This is what we’ve observed.

The first attempt questions are usually harder when compared to the second and third attempt.

Many applicants rushed to take the test without reading the instructions, reason they missed a lot.

Although, you won’t know your score until final submission, but as a graduate you should be able to know your expected score, which if low, don’t submit instead retake the test.

So, if you suspect your answers could not offer you good score, avoid submitting the test, rather click on “Retake test”, and the whole process will reshuffle, giving you another opportunity to upgrade your score.

Don’t Re Take N-power Test If You Have Seen Your Score

What To Know About Npower End Test and Take Test Buttons

Why you Should Never Allow Anyone Write Npower Test for You

3 thoughts on “How To Upgrade Your Poor N-Power Test Score”

    1. Abdullahi Abubakar

      I attempted it just once but scored 55%…was never aware there could be any other chances…shiiit

  1. That means those that attempted the test once and scored above 50% should be considered first before those that attempted twice or trice.

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