How to get free job alerts from Google |

Do you know Google can help you search for jobs in your locality or other area you need a job? In this article, we will show you how to get free job alerts from Google. The service is totally free of charge.

Google has made getting a job easier. Unfortunately, only few people know how about this Google service. All you need is a Gmail account, and then tell Google the job type of job you need and location, then sit back as Google search the job for you.

This service is called ‘Google Alerts’. It alerts on topic of interest to keep you updated. Before we show you how to sign up for Google alerts, check out the difference between Email and Gmail.

Meanwhile, if this is your first time of hearing about Google alert, don’t worry, as we will explain what it means and how you can benefit from it anywhere you are. No need to stress yourself again searching for a job since Google can now do the work for you. The good news is that the service is free with no hidden charge.

In our previous post, we shared best job websites to get a job in Nigeria. But if you cannot keep checking those websites every day, relax and allow google to do the work for you. This post is not only for those in Nigeria. Wherever you are in the world, you can use Google alert service to get a job for yourself. Check Top 100 Job Search Mistakes To Avoid In 2021.

What is Google Alerts?

Google alerts is a free notification service provided by Google that sends emails to subscribers. The service sends emails notifications to users when it finds new results according to the users keywords/topic.

So, the user keywords/topic can be; job in Nigeria, marketing job in Nigeria, teaching job in Lagos, etc. Just insert keywords that fit you, and Google will notify you whenever it finds new contents related to your keywords. No need to sign up for job notifications on every job site, since google is there to help you.

Google alerts is the most convenient way to get job updates without stress. Now that you know what google alerts is all about, let’s show you how to subscribe for the service.

How to get free job alerts directly from Google Inc

Follow the steps below to create Google alerts;

1) Go to Google alerts portal at

How To Get Job Alerts Direct From Google

2) Enter ‘keyword’ or topic of what you want to create alert about i.e. jobs in Nigeria, statistics job, hotel job in Lagos, etc.

3) Enter your email address.

4) Click “Show options” to configure Google alerts to your taste.

5) Click on “Create Alert” button.

6) Crosscheck the email you entered to make sure it’s your own.

How To Get Job Alerts Direct From Google

7) Click on “Next” button

8) Enter your password to sign in as a proof that the email belongs to you.

Congratulates! Google will send notifications that related to your keywords. You can create more Google alerts on different topics/keywords.


  1. I saw this post about Google alerts. How can one specify the location of where he or she desires the work from.
    For example, you are from Akwa Ibom and you need a work located in Akwa Ibom, and maybe secifically, Eket.
    How do one go about that.

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